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ls - list directory contents 


ls [OPTION]... [FILE]... 




ls -laxo

Lists files with permissions, shows hidden files, displays in a column format, and doesn't show the group.

ls -ltr

List all files by the time they were last modified in reverse order. In other words the last files listed are the most recently modified files.


ls -ltR

List all files in current directory and all subdirectories by the time they were last modifies. The first files listed are the most recently modified


ls ~

List the contents of your home directory by adding a tilde after the ls command.

 ls /

List the contents of your root directory.


 ls ../

List the contents of the parent directory.


 ls */

List the contents of all sub directories.


 ls -d */

Only list the directories in the current directory.


List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default). Sort entries alphabetically if none of -cftuSUX nor --sort.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

-aShows you all files, even files that are hidden (these files begin with a dot.)
-AList all files including the hidden files. However, does not display the working directory (.) or the parent directory (..).
-bForce printing of non-printable characters to be in octal \ddd notation.
-cUse time of last modification of the i-node (file created, mode changed, and so forth) for sorting (-t) or printing (-l or -n).
-CMulti-column output with entries sorted down the columns. Generally this is the default option.
-dIf an argument is a directory it only lists its name not its contents.
-fForce each argument to be interpreted as a directory and list the name found in each slot. This option turns off -l, -t, -s, and -r, and turns on -a; the order is the order in which entries appear in the directory.
-FMark directories with a trailing slash (/), doors with a trailing greater-than sign (>), executable files with a trailing asterisk (*), FIFOs with a trailing vertical bar (|), symbolic links with a trailing at-sign (@), and AF_Unix address family sockets with a trailing equals sign (=).
-gSame as -l except the owner is not printed.
-iFor each file, print the i-node number in the first column of the report.
-lShows you huge amounts of information (permissions, owners, size, and when last modified.)
-LIf an argument is a symbolic link, list the file or directory the link references rather than the link itself.
-mStream output format; files are listed across the page, separated by commas.
-nThe same as -l, except that the owner's UID and group's GID numbers are printed, rather than the associated character strings.
-oThe same as -l, except that the group is not printed.
-pDisplays a slash ( / ) in front of all directories.
-qForce printing of non-printable characters in file names as the character question mark (?).
-rReverses the order of how the files are displayed.
-RIncludes the contents of subdirectories.
-sGive size in blocks, including indirect blocks, for each entry.
-tShows you the files in modification time.
-uUse time of last access instead of last modification for sorting (with the -t option) or printing (with the -l option).
-xDisplays files in columns.
-1Print one entry per line of output.
pathnamesFile or directory to list.



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