Starting to put together a script to be converted into Puppet or Chef for setup of server using Bonsaiframework approach.
If you don't know what you're doing yet, make sure to follow the expanded instructions.
#!/bin/bash # This is not yet ready to use as an automatic script. # # MINIMAL SECURITY ON HOST # sudo apt-get install fail2ban # # MINIMAL SOFTWARE AND UPDATES to copy and past from this script # sudo apt-get --assume-yes install ntp sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get --assume-yes dist-upgrade sudo apt-get --assume-yes install man htop # on super secure system (ie your host container) you might NOT install sudo apt-get --assume-yes install wget telnet # # allow staff to use sudo # # allow staff users to have root access through sudo sudo su - root cd /etc/sudoers.d/ sudo wget sudo chmod o-r /etc/sudoers.d/01_enable_sudo_for_staff exit # # SSH for HOST and CONTAINER # # install ssh sudo apt-get --assume-yes install ssh # If you have slow ssh connection issues this can mean DNS related to server hosting system is not working properly. # In cases where you cannot fix this (ie work environment) then disable. # Only used FROM option in an authorized_keys file and you want to filter by names and not just IPs. # echo '# Disable reverse DNS lookup to prevent slow login' | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config # echo 'UseDNS no' | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config # # MINIMAL SOFTWARE ON CONTAINER # Software below is required to run the other scripts ie download keys # sudo apt-get --assume-yes install mlocate wget # # ACCOUNTS # # # I should add a setp in here to verify that sudo works with the staff acounts # Create Staff Users sudo useradd -d /home/tin.pham -m -g staff -u 2000 -c "Support Tin Pham" -s /bin/bash tin.pham sudo usermod -a -G adm tin.pham sudo passwd tin.pham sudo su - tin.pham mkdir ~/.ssh chmod 700 ~/.ssh touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys cd ~/.ssh wget cat publicKey.tin.pham >> authorized_keys rm publicKey.tin.pham exit # make sure to leave the user sudo useradd -d /home/roderick.fongyee -m -g staff -u 2505 -c "Support Roderick Fongyee" -s /bin/bash roderick.fongyee sudo usermod -a -G adm roderick.fongyee sudo passwd roderick.fongyee sudo su - roderick.fongyee mkdir ~/.ssh chmod 700 ~/.ssh touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys cd ~/.ssh wget cat publicKey.roderick.fongyee >> authorized_keys rm publicKey.roderick.fongyee exit # make sure to leave the user sudo addgroup --gid 3000 serveradmin sudo useradd -d /home/serveradmin -m -g serveradmin -u 3000 -c "Admin catch-all" -s /bin/bash serveradmin sudo usermod -a -G adm serveradmin sudo passwd serveradmin # add public key here if intention is to allow remote login sudo su - serveradmin mkdir ~/.ssh chmod 700 ~/.ssh touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys cd ~/.ssh wget cat publicKey.serveradmin >> authorized_keys rm publicKey.serveradmin exit # make sure to leave the user # # SECURE SSH # # Currently SSH can use keys, but falls back to passwords if keys fail. # Once you confirm you can log in successfully with keys AND use sudo with your account # Only then, disable passwords to protect from brute force. # Disable ssh user password authentication. # Note: not necessary for LXD created images as this is already set to be no sudo cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.2011-02-12.v0.0.tinpham_about_to_disable_password_auth.bck # We'll edit quickly with sed cd /etc/ssh/ sudo sed -i.sedautobck 's/#PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config # Confirm your change worked. If you get nothing back you are good. cmp -s $_ $_.sedautobck && echo "sed did not work, your files are identical." # restart ssh for the change to take effect, sudo service ssh restart # Make sure to try starting a new terminal and connecting with a non-ssh enabled account. # You will see the error "Permission denied (publickey). # Your system is now safer. ################ Leave the default account and log into your main account # # CLEANUP # # Logout and delete default ubuntu account for containers # Interesting, in a lxc setup, once my main account was created, left and logged back in, it appeared to automatically delete default ubuntu user. # Test this scenario again. sudo userdel -r ubuntu sudo userdel -r setupadmin # Make sure to reboot for any kernel updates to take effect sudo reboot # Clean Up sudo apt-get autoclean # use this if you only want to clean out nolonger used packages sudo apt-get clean # clean out all downloaded packages - I usually use this one sudo apt-get autoremove # cleans out unused packages # Setup firewall # .... however is following this next add the instructions here