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You can Download Crowd here.

Crowd will be installed using serveradmin 

su - serveradmin

After grabbing the tar file with the wget command use the tar command to unpack it

tar -xvpf atlassian-crowd-2.3.2.tar.gz

Define the crowd-home Directory by editing the file


PostgreSQL is needed to start so if you haven't installed it already go to PostgreSQL
We need to create a database user so change back to your log in because serveradmin cannot use sudo.
First log in to PostgreSQL then: (remember to actually put a password to replace putYourPasswordHere)

CREATE ROLE crowduserdb LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'putYourPasswordHere'
VALID UNTIL 'infinity';
COMMENT ON ROLE crowduserdb IS 'Account used by the Confluence application.';

After this is entered you'll see


Create the Database called crowddb


If this was created correctly you should see


Next we need to create a second database to store the employee id data so this database will be called crowdiddbCREATE DATABASE crowdiddb


After everything is completely successfully we exit the Postgresql prompt


Setup JDBC4 Driver and JDK 2.x

First we need to grab the JDK 2.x file and after the JDBC4 Driver file. The JBDC4 Driver file needs to be in the lib folder in apache-tomcat.
So we start by going to the Java SE site and use the wget command to get the file.

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
su - serveradmin
cd /atlassian-crowd-2.3.2/apache-tomcat/lib/

Unpack the JDK2.x file into the atlassian-crowd-2.3.2/apache-tomcat/ and then create a symbolic link to java

chmod u+x jdk-6u27-linux-i586.bin
sudo ln -s ./jdk1.6.0_27 ./java

After we need to edit the and to be only used by serveradmin.
Followed by editing file in the atlassian-crowd-2.3.2/apache-tomcat/bin/ so that JAVA_HOME can be defined.
Make sure to check it works with the file.

Configuring your Application Server to Connect to PostgreSQL

Using your favorite editor edit the file apache-tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/openidserver.xml and customise the username, password, driverClassName and url parameters for the datasource.

<Context path="/openidserver" docBase="../../crowd-openidserver-webapp" debug="0">

<Resource name="jdbc/CrowdIDDS" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
username="[enter db username here]"
password="[enter db password here]"
url="jdbc:postgresql://host:port/crowdiddb" [ see also ]"
[ delete the minEvictableIdleTimeMillis, timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis and maxActive params here ]

<Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager" saveOnRestart="false"/>


Because this step is repeated in the final setup of Crowd. This step will be excluded to see if it is necessary.

Delete the minEvictableIdleTimeMillistimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis and maxActive attributes. (These are only needed for HSQL database, and degrade performance otherwise.)

Configure CrowdID to use PostgreSQL

Edit the file located in the root of Crowd, and modify the hibernate.dialect to the following


Next modify the file located at: crowd-openidserver-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ to

# - Crowd Configuration Options


Starting Crowd 

Start Crowd with and go into your browser and use the server IP with the port 8095(port Crowd uses) if all is well you should see this page. If you cannot hit the page check that you have port 8095 open. 

Setup Wizard

1. Start by hitting the Start Crowd button
2. Enter the license key you have bought or generated from starting up an account with Atlassian
3. Click JDBC Connection

  • Database: Pick PostgreSQL
  • Enter the username: crowduserdb (in our case)
  • Enter the password you decided to use


The deployment title is a unique name for your Crowd instance. The deployment title is used by default in the subject line of email notifications.
You can change this value later, via the Crowd Administration Console.
The deployment title is a unique name for your Crowd instance. The deployment title is used by default in the subject line of email notifications.
You can change this value later, via the Crowd Administration Console.
The session timeout determines how long a session will be considered valid during any period of inactivity. This value is specified in minutes and must be greater than 0.
You can change this value later, via the Crowd Administration Console.
The base URL is the website address of the Crowd server. This value is used during startup to put the correct values into the file for the Crowd Administration Console.
There is no option to change this value via the Crowd Administration Console, because the URL must not be changed while Crowd is running.

Mail Server - SMTP

Notification Email Address — The email address which will receive notifications about server events.
From Email Address — Crowd will add this email address as the 'sender' on the emails generated by Crowd and sent to users.
Subject Prefix — The prefix which will appear at the start of the email subject, for all emails generated by Crowd. This can be useful for email client programs that offer filtering rules.
Mail Server Type — Select the 'SMTP Server' radio button.
SMTP Host — The hostname of the SMTP mail server, e.g. 'localhost' or ''.
SMTP Port — The port on which the SMTP mail server listens. The default is '25'.
Username — The username that your Crowd server will use when it logs in to your mail server.
Password — The password that your Crowd server will use when it logs in to your mail server.
Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) — Select this check-box if you want to access your mail server over SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). This ensures that all email communications between Crowd and your mail server are encrypted, provided your mail server supports SSL.

Integrating Crowd with Apache

Installing the Crowd Apache Connector on Ubuntu-Linux

sudo apt-get -y install autoconf libtool apache2-threaded-dev libsvn-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libxml2-dev apache2-mpm-worker libapache2-svn

Enter the following commands

tar xzf mod_authnz_crowd-2.0.2.tar.gz
cd mod_authnz_crowd-2.0.2
autoreconf --install
sudo make install

Restart Apache after

Integrating Crowd with Subversion

This setup requires that you have installed the crowd apache connector.
If you are using Apache to manage access to a subversion repository (instructions), you can use the same configuration method to delegate user authentication to Crowd.

To restrict Subversion repository access to certain groups and/or users, you can add the Require group and Require user directives, described in the page on integrating Crowd with Apache.
For more fine-grained access, Crowd provides the AuthzSVNCrowdAccessFile directive which allows you to define path-based access rules.
To restrict Subversion repository access to certain groups and/or users, you can add the Require group and Require user directives, described in integrating Crowd with Apache.

For more fine-grained access, Crowd provides the AuthzSVNCrowdAccessFile directive which allows you to define path-based access rules.

<Location /svn>

  AuthName "Atlassian Crowd"
  AuthType Basic
  AuthBasicProvider crowd

  CrowdAppName crowduserdb
  CrowdAppPassword yourpassword
  CrowdURL http://localhost:8095/crowd/

  CrowdCreateSSO off  # Improves performance when using Subversion clients that

  DAV svn

  # Set this to the path to your repository
  SVNPath /opt/svn-data/hamsters

  AuthzSVNCrowdAccessFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.authz
  Require valid-user



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