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Versions Compared


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Code Block
cd /opt/svn-data
sudo chown -R www-data:subversion hamsters
sudo chmod -R g+rws hamsters

Backup and Restore



Hi Roderick, the convention is to explain the action then issue the command. Below here it looks like you sometimes issue the command then explain. Please fix. Tin.


Checks the number of revisions in a repository

Code Block
svnlook info hamsters

Dumps all revisions of the repository into a file in this case hamstersdumpfile

Code Block
svnadmin dump /opt/svn-repos/hamsters > hamstersdumpfile

Dumps all revisions of the repository into a file in this case hamstersdumpfilea revision # that you decide. The other command dumps a range of revisions that you choose.

Code Block
svnadmin dump hamsters -r # > hamsters.rev.#.dumpfile
svnadmin dump hamsters -r 50:100 > hamsters.revs.50-100.dumpfile

Dumps a revision # that you decide. The other command dumps a range of revisions that you choose.Loads repository from dump file.

Code Block
svnadmin load /opt/svn-repos/gerbils < hamstersdumpfile

Loads repository from dump file.

Setting Permissions on the Repository for WEBDAV
