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Before creating repositories users and a group must be defined to have access to create or it will not work
so we add the group subversion and the user www-data which is what apache uses,

Code Block
sudo mkdir /var/svn-repos
sudo addgroup --gid 3001 subversion
sudo chown -R www-data:subversion /var/svn-repos/
sudo chmod -R 750770 /var/svn-repos/
Code Block

Now add yourself to the group Now our model we do not want Subversion users tied to the operating system. So we are going to rely on our catch all server admin id, serveradmin,

Code Block
sudo usermod -a -G subversion rfongyeeserveradmin

Creating Repositories

First go to or create the directory you want to create the repositories in for this example we've created the svn-reps repos directory in /varopt/,

The svnadmin command allows you to create svn repositories and allows you to perform several maintenance operations on the repositories.


Prior to Subversion 1.2, the default was to use Berkeley DB; the default is now FSFS. You can explicitly choose the filesystem type using the --fs-type argument, which accepts as a parameter either fsfs or bdb.

Code Block
sudo mkdir /opt/svn-data
sudo chown svradm:subversion /opt/svn-data
su - serveradmin
svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /varopt/svn-reposdata/hamsters

References - Debian instructions more straight forward - Integrating with Crowd