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Code Block
sudo mkdir /var/svn-repos
sudo addgroup --gid 30033001 subversion
sudo useradd -d /home/www-data/ -m -g subversion -u 2003 -c "svn user" -s /bin/bash www-data
sudo chown -R www-data:subversion /var/svn-repos/*
sudo chmod -R 750 /var/svn-repos/*

If the user already exists you can use the adduser command to add an existing user to a new group as an example if www-data were already created then

Code Block
sudo adduser www-data --gid 3003 subversion
Code Block

Creating Repositories

First go to or create the directory you want to create the repositories in for this example we've created the svn-reps directory in /var/

Code Block
sudo mkdir /var/svn-reps

The svnadmin allows you to create svn repositories and allows you to perform several maintenance operations on the repositories Heres an example of how to create 2 different types of repositories


Prior to Subversion 1.2, the default was to use Berkeley DB; the default is now FSFS. You can explicitly choose the filesystem type using the --fs-type argument, which accepts as a parameter either fsfs or bdb.

Code Block
su - www-data
svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /var/svn-repos/hamsters
