Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Setup Google Analytics

Look at,

  •  Panel widget CSS appears to be broken.
  •  32-bit vs 64-bit Java performance now
  •  Moving to Cloud if it's cheaper and 64-bit Java
  •  Why does Mobile version searching not find non-titled content (information not in title of a page) - due to product limitation for now and so vote on ticket (once I find it)
  •  Anonymous comment icon not showing up.

Change IP of database lxc server from to for more consistency in naming convention. Note I checked and confluence.cfg.xml references by dnsmasq name.

Feb 22, 2017, Tin

Feb 07, 2017, Roderick

Confluence Upgraded from 6.0.1 to 6.0.5.

Health Check plugin updated.

Feb 04, 2017, Roderick

Known issue with 6.0.1 migration - unable to edit pages are due to the new collaborative script must be disabled - Source 

Jan 30, 2017, Roderick

Icons in macro browser and various other places like admin missing. Fixed majority of macro browser icons by flushing in Cache Management,


  • Standard upgrade. Note, I confirmed I used Araxis Merge without issues. Previously I thought it was an issue.

August 29, 2015 - Added Questions Plugins and Reviewed, Tin

With the new install the only plugins installed now are,


Upgraded Confluece to 3.4.7. Overall everything went smoothly except for the new Universal Plug-In Manager. You have to upload the Jar file through the admin interface and then restart twice for the changes to take effect. Finally during the upgrade cleaned up dependencies,

Code Block
  517  sudo apt-get remove ibice-dev
  518  sudo apt-get remove ibsm-dev
  519  sudo apt-get remove libxext-dev
  520  sudo apt-get removelibxp-dev
  521  sudo apt-get remove libxp-dev
  522  sudo apt-get remove libxt-dev
  523  sudo apt-get remove libxtst-dev
  524  sudo apt-get remove libx11-6
  525  sudo apt-get remove libx11-dev
  526  sudo apt-get autoremove
  527  sudo apt-get remove libxt6
  528  sudo apt-get remove libxt6-dbg
  529  sudo apt-get remove libext6
  530  sudo apt-get remove ibxt6-dbg
  531  sudo apt-get remove libxext6
  532  sudo apt-get remove libxtst-dev
  533  sudo apt-get remove libxtst6
  534  sudo apt-get remove xlibs-dbg
  535  sudo apt-get remove xlibs-dev
