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Change IP of database lxc server from to for more consistency in naming convention. Note I checked and confluence.cfg.xml references by dnsmasq name.

November 13, 2016 - Upgraded to Confluence 6.0.1 and Add-Ons, Roderick

  1. Standard upgrade. Made back up clones of containers will remove in a week
  2. New line in "-Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE=32768 ${CATALINA_OPTS}"" 
  3. Do not upgrade Postgresql 9.6 there is a known issue with compatability source


Questions - same experience as Gliffy Diagrams

March 28, 2016 - Upgraded to Confluence 5.9.7 (Finally Mobile Search Fixed in this Release), Tin

  • Standard upgrade. Note, I confirmed I used Araxis Merge without issues. Previously I thought it was an issue.


  1. Gliffy (of course)
  2. Questions - Chose Continue with Demo Content
  3. Secure Content - Evaluating if it down what I need

August 14, 2015 - Upgraded to Confluence 5.8.8, Moved to New LXC Server and More, Tin

  1. Moved to new server with 2GB of memory and 60GB of disk space.
  2. Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
  3. Separate Linux Container for Web, App and DB
  4. Upgraded to unlimited community license
  5. Had to install Gliffy via Upload for some reason (probably bug) as it recognized in purchased add-ons but could not install automatically. Circle back to see if it will auto-update properly
  6. Updated JDBC Driver
  7. Updated to Java 32-bit 1.8.0_51 (Roderick at some point go back and check if Confluence guys make it run in Java server mode which is more efficient)
  8. Changed of DNS for and pointing to web server.
  9. Change DNS to point to host running LXC.
  10. New added user logging (see what users are viewing what pages) - atlassian-confluence-access.log
