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ComponentWhy You Need ItWhat Does it DoDriving Cloud ConceptBonsaiFramework PickPopular Options
Synthetic Monitoring    
  • Dynatrace
Health Check     
System Monitoring     
Application Insight MonitoringLook inside the code to determine performance and support Production problems insdie the code.  Dynatrace
  • Dynatrace
  • CA APM (previously Wily Introscope)
DOS and DDOS MitigationThere is some argument that going true cloud no longer requires this. I'm not convinced.  Akamai
  • Akamai
  • VeriSign
Customer CachingTake load off of your system.  Akamai
  • Akamai
Orchestration of ContainersUnified view and control of containers.   
  • Kubernetes (startedy by Google), Swarm (Native Docker), Mesosphere
Software Defined Network     
Virtualization Cloud Provider

No point in running the hardware and base OS yourself. Instead use a provider that will take care of auto-scaling hardware, providing IP addresses, storage and a network infrastructure.

Bonus points for instituted caching and monitoring. ++ Bonus points for an proven CICD system.

Some of the Bonus items you can implement yourself and are documented higher in this stack.

  • Amazon AWS
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Rackspace
Environment ConfiguratorIf you have lots of integration points, centralizing one place to configure those small differences suddenly becomes cost effective. Remove infrastructure dependency.  
Continous Testing     
Continuous DeploymentWhen build completes auto deploy and hook up.   
  • Jenkins (question)
  • Bamboo
Continuous BuildBuilding Application Virtualization from Recipes. Think entire ecosystem (not just code) is built from recipes.   
  • Jenkins
  • Bamboo
Source Control for Container ReceiptI currently have a gap here of how this would work.    
Source Control for Code    
  • GitHub
  • Bitbucket (GitHub)
  • Mercurial
  • Subversion (Does not scale for Agile well)
External Log Aggregation  Remove infrastructure dependency.   
Caching System     
Messaging SystemGuarantee delivery and integrity of key transactions across systems.  

Depends on your specific messaging needs.

Will break this up later.

  • Kafka
  • RabbitMQ
Application VirtualizationMicroservices concept of running ephemeral containers at the focusing on escapulating a single immutable application.
  • Building from Recipes
  • Linking of Containers
  • Docker
Building Operating Virtualization from Recipe   Build system from a recipe.
  • Docker (do for more than just the os and base?)
  • Chef
  • Puppet
  • Ansible
  • SaltStack
Optimized Operating System for ContainersNewish concept of lightweight transactionally updated operating system. Solaris had the transactional aspect a whle back.   
  • Google CoreOS
  • Ubuntu Snappy
  • RedHat Atomic
Distributed Operating System for ContainersSimilar in concept to what Hadoop technology solves for databases.   
  • Mesosphere Enterprise DC/OS
    • Apache Mesos (distributed systems kernel)
    • Apache ZooKeeper (distributed coordination)
    • Apache Marathon (container orchestration)
Operating VirtualizationI would put this to a specific use case and it can greatly reduce costs (explain here).  LXD (LXC) 
