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Backup and Syc

Most used to perform normal backup difference only mirror backup of source to destination and shows,

  • Progress of copy
  • Speed of copy
  • Summary of bytes sent & received, total size and average transfer speed

On a desktop machines that might go to sleep using with a keep alive command,

Code Block
caffeinate rsync [...] # Mac OS X
? # Linux

Backup Interactively

Here is the rsync command,

Code Block
rsync --recursivearchive --delete --sparse --compress --verbose --itemize-changes --human-readable --progress /home/tempadmin/tmp/source /home/tempadmin/tmp/destination



--archive = which includes,

  • --recursive = subdirectories
  • --links = copy symbolic links as symbolic links
  • --perms = preserve permissions
  • --times = preserve times
  • --group = preserve group
  • --owner = preserve owner
  • --devices = preserve device files (super-user only)
  •  --specials = preserve special files

--delete = delete any files not in the source

--sparse = 

--verbose = 

--itemize-changes = 

--human-readable =

--progress = 

source = 

destination = destination may be a directory but the most useful is actually to another system running the rsync service

Be very careful not to include a trailing slash in source and destination(maybe slash ok here but need to test) or you will end up deleting everything in your target.

Backup to rsync Service

Instead of a directory, the destination may be another system running the rsync service. This method is extremely fast and does not have the overhead 

Code Block
caffeinate rsync [...] # Mac OS X
? # Linux
rsync --archive --delete --sparse --compress --verbose --itemize-changes --human-readable --progress /home/tempadmin/source rsync://rsyncUser@destSystem/destination

--destination = 

--compress = 

Backup via Script

In order to run as a script add the following,

--password-file = 


Straight Copy

Simple straight copy and can be used to resume (still need to modify for resume),
