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  1. Setup email
  2. Update Confluence plugins

Disable Search Engine Indexing

In the case of a private site, you may not want Google or any other search engine to crawl your wiki. Even in the case of a password protected site this will still happen and take up unnecessary bandwidth, processing and bump up the amount of memory consumed by Confluence.


This content needs to be refined and should in fact link to a detailed article on robots.txt and other ways of preventing crawling.

If you had been following the steps outline by the Bonsai Framework the Confluence configuration will be,

  • Fronted by Apache
  • The root of the website is located at /home/
  • The mapping from Apache to Confluence is /wiki/

As such, robots.txt will be placed in the root of the website and look like this,

Code Block
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wiki/

Enable Logging

This is optional, but in an environment with sensitive data you may want to see what users are doing what,

Connect Apache to Confluence using Mod_JK


Once port 8009 is enabled, mod_jk can be enabled by following the Apache Tomcat Connector instructions.

Change Base URL in Confluence


Put instructions here about changing the base url if fronted by Apache.


  • /opt/confluence/bin/
  • /opt/confluence/conf/server.xml
  • /opt/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/
  • /opt/confluence/bin/
  • /opt/confluence/bin/
  • /opt/confluence/bin/ (new to Confluence 4.x)
  • access logs...


Note that for Solaris the file /opt/confluence/bin/, the call to the 'id' binary needs to be updated to point to '/usr/xpg4/bin/id'


The Administration Console may also have messages for you to run specific tasks with instructions. For example when upgrading from 3.5.4 to 4.1, "Update content with incompatible upgraded macros".

Disable Search Engine Indexing

In the case of a private site, you may not want Google or any other search engine to crawl your wiki. Even in the case of a password protected site this will still happen and take up unnecessary bandwidth, processing and bump up the amount of memory consumed by Confluence.


This content needs to be refined and should in fact link to a detailed article on robots.txt and other ways of preventing crawling.

If you had been following the steps outline by the Bonsai Framework the Confluence configuration will be,

  • Fronted by Apache
  • The root of the website is located at /home/
  • The mapping from Apache to Confluence is /wiki/

As such, robots.txt will be placed in the root of the website and look like this,

Code Block
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wiki/

Confluence Customizations

Enable Logging

You may want to see what users are doing what,


Confluence Customizations

 Ensure any customization done are carried over.

Enable Logging

... done up above list files...

Change favicon.ico

Currently, Confluence does not provide an easy way to change the favicon.ico that will persist after an upgrade. If you want this feature, vote for this request on Jira. Otherwise, a good solution may be implemented using Apache's mod_rewrite.
