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When using a hosting company we currently find KVM based solutions the most cost effective for solutions that require where 1GB of RAM is required. See the Bonsai Framework discussion on Hosting for further details.


With most Virtual Server Hosting solutions you will be asked to select a virtual server image operating system of your choice and then it is which is then built as defined by the hosting provider. Some providers also allow you to install from a linked iso image which provides the most fined grained control and security.



If your system is on the Internet and you only have SSH login with a user name and password, make sure it is strong. Your system password can be broken in within minutes.


If you used a hosting company like Slice or Rackspace chances are the server image they provided is minimal and has with no locale set. This is bad because it will cause problems with Perl (used to install quite a few things) and in my case, it caused me head-aches setting up PostgreSQL.
