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Desktop Sharing


Video Conferencing


  1. HoeKey* - Make use of that Windows key and many other key combos. Here are my keys combinations. AutoHotkey might be another alternative worth exploring.
  2. PureText* (Strips away formating when you paste using Winkey-V) As there is no install,
    1. Copy to the directory of your choice
    2. Start the program and it will appear as a PT icon on your system tray
    3. Right click the icon and choose options
    4. Check the box to "Automatically run PureText each time...."
  3. Araxis Merge 64-bit - Best diff tool I have ever found. (disable Ribbon Interface, check do not show splash window, add folder filter to ignore .svn folders and make the default encoding UTF-8 No BOM). DetalWalker looks promising and cheaper.
  4. 7-Zip - I am starting to use this now as my primary compression software (even over WinRar).
  5. WinRar 64-bit - better than winzip (does all the same stuff with zip files) plus allows you to create self-extracting splittable files and has a superior compression format called rar.
  6. VMWare Workstation - allows you to virtualize operating systems. If you do not know what this means you are missing out.
    1. I map the host apps and vmdata folder and then generate c:\apps\ and c:\vmdata\ symbolic link using,
      1. mklink /D C:\apps Z:\apps
      2. mklink /D C:\data-vmshared Z:\data-vmshared
  7. RamDisk* - Use some of your memory as a hard disk to speed things up. Currently using 3.5.10 RC20. On very first use I create C:\RAMDisk.img with my temp folders setup, save it and then uncheck "Save Disk Image on Shutdown".
