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With a remote login, you are not physically at the machine. This is often accomplished using SSH. By default following these instructions SSH login will not be enabled.

With a console login, you are for all intents and purposes physically at the server. Most hosted solution provide a web based interface to simulate this type of behaviour.

Console Login

Console login is the recommended method until you can properly switch to key based ssh login.


This subsection Login is not yet complete. It needs to explain the differences, talk about securing the console login and lead into the security issue of putting your system on the Internet.

It also needs to immediately talk about securing SSH if that is enabled and the system is on the Internet.

SSH to the Server

By default following these instructions SSH login will not be enabled.


If your system is on the Internet and you only have SSH login with a user name and password, make sure it is strong. Your system can be broken in within minutes.

On Windows Putty and it's variant Kitty are good programs to use to connect to the server. If you don't know the ip address you can find out by typing in "ip address".

Code Block
 link/ether 00:0c:29:f9:48:6e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
    inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fef9:486e/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

The ip address can be found beside the inet in the above results.

Another way quick way to determine the server ip is to log out and then log in. The initial welcome text banner displays the ip when you login.

Synchronize Server Time

The ntp daemon calculates the drift of your system clock and continuously adjusts it. 
