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If you are installing Ubuntu from scratch within a Virtual environment Ubuntu has a special Virtual option to optimize performance.


These instructions are currently written for Ubuntu 12.10. You may use these instructions for other versions, but there may be slight differences in the order of events.

  1. Select your language and press Enter.
  2. On the install screen hit F4
    1. Select Install a minimal virtual machine and press enter.
    2. There will be no apparent change on install screen, but don't worry it worked.
  3. Install Ubuntu Server should be highlighted be by default (if not select it), press enter.
  4. You will be prompted for Language, choose English.
  5. When asked for Country, choose your country, in our case we use Canada.
  6. When asked to configure the keyboard, provided you are using English,
    1. Choose No to "Detect keyboard layout"?
    2. Select English (US) to "Country of origin for the keyboard".
    3. English (US) to "Keyboard layout".
  7. For hostname, applying he the Bonsai framework naming standards we will use, bonsaih0v00appbonsaih0v00a
  8. Creating your first special user account use: Setup Admin
  9. Username for your account: setupadmin
  10. Password for you acount. You might consider the Bonsai Framework password standard. Regardless, pick a very very complex password if your system is on the Internet. As soon as your server is running you will experience dictionary attacks.
  11. Encrypt your home directory? No (you can choose yes here, but in a closed server environment this will probably cause more head-ache then add to security)
  12. When asked for your time zone, pick your time zone.
  13. On Partitions disk choose Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM (Here's what LVM does).
  14. When asked to select disk partition, usually you will only have one. By default that will be selected. Just push Enter.
  15. Write the change to disks and configure LVM? Choose Yes.
  16. When it comes to selecting partitions go with the defaults, how big for swap or root ect, just go with defaults. This used to be important but now with LVM and modern Linux systems this is no longer that important.
  17. Assuming this is a new server, Yes to "Removing existing logical volume data"Write the changes to disks? Yes.
  18. How do you want to manage to upgrades on this system? That is up to you and your environment. For production systems where we need maximum control, we usually go with one of these options,
    1. No automatic updates
    2. Install security updates automatically
  19. Choose software to install: Do not choose to install anything, especially OpenSSH server (yet) if your system is on the Internet.
  20. Assuming this is a new server, Yes to "Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record?".
