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Versions Compared


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It goes without saying, backup your data. With Cloud and Virtual computing take a snap shot. With manual backups you can use Confluence's built in backup utility through the web interface (to do: provide link to instructions) or manually make the following backups,


Make sure to copy over the java folder or take this opportunity to install and an updated version of Java.

Copy Existing Java


Code Block
cp -R /opt/confluence/java /opt/atlassian-confluence-4.3.2/java
sudo ln -s ./atlassian-confluence-4.0.5 ./confluence


Upgrade Java

Follow the above steps on in this article about how to Manually Setup the JRE.

Key Files

Over time this may change, for example the file was added when moving between Confluece 3.x and 4.x. So, whoever does the upgrade please update the notes below,


These The identified files and steps were last verified with upgrading to Confluence 4.3.2 by Dickson.


  • /opt/confluence/bin/
  • /opt/confluence/conf/server.xml
  • /opt/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/
  • /opt/confluence/bin/
  • /opt/confluence/bin/
  • /opt/confluence/bin/ (new to Confluence 4.x)

in Note that for Solaris the file /opt/confluence/bin/, the call to the 'id' binary needs to be updated to point to '/usr/xpg4/bin/id'


Optionally, if there was a version mismatch with the jdbc driver,
