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I got things working on the server with Dickson's help.

However, that leaves some things not documented and maybe somethings not needed.

Go over this again with Roderick on a new VM.


Often application need to deliver mail. It is also useful for alerts.


Then select the following options,

  • Internet site

For System mail name enter use a domain name that you actually own and that is associated with the server. In our example,



At this point programs programs on your system will be able to start sending emails.


Default installations of Postfix stores all messages in an mbox file. To see what directory it is using use the command,


Code Block
sudo postconf -e "inet_interfaces = loopback-only" # receive no mail from the network, and do not deliver any mail locally


Reverse DNS


TBC - This should explain why we would want reverse dns.

Reverse DNS unless delegated is managed by the ISP provider. Generally this means whoever manages the IP address of your server.

Setup spf Records


TBC - This section should be filled out with a general discussion of what spf is for and how to configure within Rackspace or your registrar.
