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  • This line was added.
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It is recommended that you finish reading the article before starting.

Ideally your system should have about 1 GB of memory set aside for Confluence.

Install Required Dependent OS Packages


Also, keep a page listing any plug-ins you install. Upgrades generally do not require you to reinstall the plugins but they might be deprecated. After the upgrade is done, login as Administrator on Confluence and ensure plug-ins are up to date.

Our recommended list of plugins,

  • Gliffy - Draw Visio like diagrams right in the browser

Check Administration Console


Code Block
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wiki/

Confluence Customizations

Change favicon.ico

Currently, Confluence does not provide an easy way to change the favicon.ico that will persist after an upgrade. If you want this feature, vote for this request on Jira. Otherwise, a good solution may be implemented using Apache's mod_rewrite.

Enable mod_rewrite

Code Block
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Edit your virtual host file adding the following after the JKMount points,

Code Block
    JkMount /wiki tomcat_confluence_a_worker
    # Rewrite for favicon.ico
    RewriteRule ^/wiki/favicon.ico$ /favicon.ico

Make sure to change /wiki/ if you decided to deviate from this tutorial.

System Profile

Using htop, initial setup without any spaces created is 396MB. The process itself uses  VIRT=913M and RES=338M.

Properties for Solaris and Unix there appears to be a requirement for valid X11 font directories