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I still in process of finalizing my hotkeys but I would say at this point there are 90% complete.

Highlighted are my most favourite features that hoekey provides outside of Windows,

  • Toggle Transparency
  • Launch any program
  • Load a file in a specified editor
  • Maximize, Restore, Centre and move a window
  • Toggle keep a windows alway on top
  • Centre Toggle Transparency on a Window


  • window

I use these shortcuts with the my favourite Windows 7 has built-in keyboard shortcuts,


You can get a complete Windows 7 keyboard shortcut listing from Microsoft.

Tin's hoekey.ini for Windows 7 64-bit v2.0

These are updated keys given I am now using Mac OS X as my host with VMWare Fusion. I need to document and then link to how I do my keyboard settings with VMWare Fusion itself.

Some remaining items,

  • Create new folder
  • New in hoekey 1.1.5, be able to pass selected file to a program like notepad.
  • Consider changing some keyboard triggers
No Format
;  Simple Example HoeKey config
; Key Modifiers:
; ~=windows, _=shift, ^=ctrl, @=alt
; More details at
; Tin's hoekey.ini for Windows 7 64-bit
; See to understand environment variables

; Start in system tray
Start=TrayIcon|1|Double-click to configure your Windows Key
=Rem|-- General --
^Q=Config ;CTRL+Q: Configure HoeKey
~O=Run|"%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office\Microsoft Outlook 2010.lnk"      ;win+o: Outlook
~I=Run|"%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Mozilla Firefox.lnk" ;win+i: Firefox
~@I=Run|"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer.lnk"           ;win+alt+i: IE 32-bit
~_I=Run|"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Google Chrome\Google Chrome.lnk" ;win+shift+i: Chrome
; There is currently a bug where telnet.exe and some other commands will not work.
; This appears to be due to permissions. "dir telnet.exe /s" using Hoekey can not see.
; c:\Windows\System32\telnet.exe
; Strangely C:\Windows\System32\ping.exe works and appears to have the exact same permissions.
; Temporary solution, as a regular user copy telnet.exe to C:\Windows\ which is already in the system path.
~J=Run|%COMSPEC%|||C:\    ;win+j: Command shell
~^J=Run|%COMSPEC%|||%c    ;win+ctrl+j: Command shell in current directory
=Rem|-- Communication --
~K=Run|"%SystemDrive%\apps\KiTTY\kitty_portable.exe"        ;win+k: Kitty Putty
~^K=Run|"C:\Program Files (x86)\ExpanDrive\ExpanDrive.exe"           ;win+ctrl+k: ExpandDrive SSH Drive Mapping
; For working directory to work properly you must startup using a shortcut.
;~[=Run|"%SystemDrive%\apps\Putty Connection Manager\puttycm.shortcut.lnk" ;win+[: Putty Connection Manager
=Rem|-- Utilities --
; For some reason Araxis will not launch through Hoekey via the .lnk
~A=Run|"%ProgramW6432%\Araxis\Araxis Merge\Merge.exe" ;win+a: Araxis Merge
~^A=RUN|"%ProgramW6432%\Araxis\Araxis Merge\Merge.exe" %c %c ;win+ctrl+a: Araxis Merge Folder Comparison first argument is current folder
~N=Run|%SystemDrive%\apps\npp.6.4.5.bin\notepad++.exe|||%USERPROFILE%\Desktop    ;win+n: Notepad Plus Plus, default saves to desktop
~^N=Run|%SystemDrive%\apps\npp.6.4.5.bin\notepad++.exe %s|||                     ;win+ctrl+n: Load selected file into Notepad Plus Plus
~@N=Run|notepad.exe|||%USERPROFILE%\Desktop                                      ;win+alt+n: Notepad
; Does not work as I expect. Most likely will not use this function as on the Forums it is stated
; this has some performance issues. PureText is reliable so will use that instead.
;~V=Clip|%p  ;win+v current clipboard as plaintext 
;~^V=Clip|%P ;win+ctrl+v current clipboard as plaintext, removing returns and newlines
; Edit host file with admin rights
; This requires the elevate scripts and putting the line following line into a script file,
; C:\apps\cmd\elevate.from.command.line\elevate.cmd C:\apps\npp.6.4.5.bin\notepad++.exe C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
~^H=Run|C:\apps\cmd\xhosts.cmd ;win+ctrl+h: edit hosts file using elevate utility
; Though the above works, if you find the elevate prompt annoying just changed hosts file permission and use this,
;~^H=Run|C:\apps\npp.6.4.5.bin\notepad++.exe C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts ;win+ctrl+h: edit hosts file
=Rem|-- Folders --
~W=Run|\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\data\Work
=Rem|-- Windows Manipulation --
~^Y=Transparency||30% ;win+ctrl+y: Make current window transparent
~F12=AlwaysOnTop      ;win+F12: Make current window always on top
~^left=MoveRel||-10 ;win+ctrl+left: move current window left 10pixels
~^up=MoveRel|||-10  ;win+ctrl+up: move current window up 10pixels
~^right=MoveRel||10 ;win+ctrl+right: move current window right 10pixels
~^down=MoveRel|||10 ;win+ctrl+down: move current window down 10pixels
~end=Hide||1 ;win+end: hide current window to system tray
~^end=Unhide ;win+ctrl+end: show last hidden window from system try

=Rem|-- Clipboard --
; Not needed if you use VMWare Fusion 9 and override keyboards to do the same thing
;~C=Keys|\cc ;win+ctrl: Copy (for Apple users)
; Future Keys to overried
; Back 8
; PRINT 42


Tin's hoekey.ini for Windows 7 64-bit v1.0

Some remaining items,

  • Create new folder
  • New in hoekey 1.1.5, be able to pass selected file to a program like notepad.
  • Consider changing some keyboard triggers

With Windows 7 64-bit Telnet and certain files are not visible when jumping to the command line using Hoekey. A temporary fix for this is included in the comments. The Hoekey author is aware of this bug but also perplexed about why this happens.
