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Ideally your system should have about 1 3 GB of memory set aside for Confluence. Confluence itself with a small user base under 10 takes about 750MB of memoryIf you stay below Confluence 6.0 (before Synchrony was introduced) you would get away with 2GB of Memory using Java 32-bit.

Install Required Dependent OS Packages


Now only users belonging to staff or serveradmin can view the Confluence folders.

However, this is not enough. Any new files created in those directories will change to what the particular user has set in terms of that user's groups. This also includes the process user serveradmin. The log files created when Confluence start will belong to serveradmin user and serveradmin group - which we don't want. So to fix this we tell the Directories to set the setgid bit,

Code Block
cd /opt
sudo find ./confluence/ -type d | sudo xargs -I{} chmod g+s {}
sudo find ./confluence-data/ -type d | sudo xargs -I{} chmod g+s {}

Configure PostgreSQL

Setup Database


First log into the PostgreSQL prompt as explain explained in PostgreSQL on Ubuntu.

Create the confluence database admin account.


Start by reviewing the generic instructions to configure Tomcat (the engine that Confluence uses) with Apache using mod_jk.

As of Confluence 6. 0 or later, it is no longer endorsed to use only mod_jk to proxy.  This is because Synchrony, which is required for collaborative editing, cannot accept AJP connections. The preferred configuration is Using Apache with mod_proxy.
