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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

This document is in process of being migrated from my old wiki.


This article can still be improved by adding a longer term larger solution for multi-site hosting for the error logs and a logging rotation solution if we are not using Ubuntu.


  • Logs roll over to a new log each week.
  • Logs roll over if the reach size x.
  • Old log is gzipped.

If someone looks up size x please share it here.

Distinguishing Between Virtual Hosts


There are two approaches I am aware of and I personally only have figured out approach 1 where each virtual host has its own set of log files which I call "Virtual Host Based Logging" by reading the . Further information is at the Apache2 Log Files documentation. I am listing other approaches I found too.

  1. Virtual Host Based Logging
    1. Pro - Simple to understand. You use a packaged Apache program to rotate the logs.
    2. Pro - If you drop these files into the /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 with .log extensions they automatically rotate (provided you are using Ubuntu).
    3. Con - Not feasible when you have too many (how many is this?) as you run out of file descriptors.
  2. Use a single file and split among virtual hosts.
    1. You use an external program to both rotate and split the logs.
    2. Con - The technique used for access.log is not available for the error log (to reference why here) so is it reallly that good?


There does not seem to be a clear winner in this department. Here is what I looked at that appear to be popular via Google searches.

logroate - use what Ubuntu uses. Some possible references, - talks about using logrotate with Tomcat without requiring a restart to rollover log file.

Vlogger - Similar (and intended as a replacement for) cronolog or httplog. This looks really easy to use, creates symlinks and can can hook into a database. On the negative side, the package seemed last updated in 2005.
Cronolog - the recommended solution from the Apache2 Log Files documentation but it was last updated in 2002. The biggest negative, I could not in 5 minutes and never bothered to go further on figuring out how to pipe for rollover and how to split at the same time. The problem is that during roll over, the cronolog actually stops logging for a short time before writing to a new file.


  1. Apache Log Files documenation
  2. Webmin
  3. ...