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In this example we are generating a key called <your_cert_alias> and storing it in a brand new keystore called mywebservices.bin.

Code Block
su - serveradmin
cd /opt/jre1.6.0_12/bin/
# Create a local Certificate
keytool -genkey -alias <your_cert_alias> -keyalg RSA -keystore mywebservices.bin


As a result, a brand new keystore file is generated. You can confirm this,

Code Block
keytool -keystore mywebservices.bin -list

Enter keystore password:  ******

Keystore type: jks
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 1 entry

mywebservices, Oct 8, 2009, keyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 02:70:28:DE:A6:BC:0B:5E:3C:FB:BF:B3:68:8F:0F:32

The results show 1 entry with the alias name mywebservices which contains a single element, a self-signed certificate which is soley there to generate the CSR.

Generate the CSR (Certificate Service Request)

In this step we generate the request for the SSL certificate.

Code Block
# Generate the CSR (Certificate Service Request)
keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias mywebservices -file mywebservices.csr -keystore mywebservices.bin
# It is important that the cert files be in the webapps directory
mv mywebservices.* /opt/apache-/tomcat-6.0.18/webapps/

Now submit your mywebservices.csr to the CA (Certificate Authority).


Your CA will return a certificate (your keystore file signed by the CA). Depending on the signer they may use different names so it can be confusing. For example the Entrust CA calls your certificate the "Webserver Certificate" even though in this example we are putting this on an application server. In our example we are provided the CA signed certificate as plain text which we then store in a text file calling it mywebservices-signe.cer. Here is what the contents of the plain text might look like,


To fill in.

Import The CA (Certificate Authority) Certificate(s)

At this point how many CA certificates need to be imported depend on the CA you use. Also, the CA certificates themselves are usually obtained from the respective Certificate Authority.


The key concept of the chain is that you must import all certs in the chain in order from top to bottom. You also should provide a unique alias per cert. This will allow you to update specific certs in the chain when they expire. Using the example of the Entrust CA we would need to import as follows.

Code Block
keytool -import -alias entrust-2048-root -keystore mywebservices.bin -trustcacerts -file <filename_of_the_chain_certificate>
Certificate was added to keystore # This is the expected response
keytool -import -alias entrust-L1B -keystore mywebservices.bin -trustcacerts -file <filename_of_the_chain_certificate>
Certificate was added to keystore

Take a look inside your keystore and you should see the newly added certs with their unique alias.


This article is in process of being migrated from the old wiki.

Code Block
keytool -keystore mywebservices.bin -list
entrust-l1b, Oct 9, 2009, trustedCertEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5): C2:DF:86:BD:E4:8B:FF:26:4D:AE:6A:26:1D:7A:70:D9
entrust-2048-root, Oct 9, 2009, trustedCertEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5): CC:23:87:09:9B:09:3A:6F:5E:62:EB:F4:73:54:E9:28
pkiwebservices, Oct 8, 2009, keyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 02:70:28:DE:A6:BC:0B:5E:3C:FB:BF:B3:68:8F:0F:32

Import Your Certificate (Signed Keystore File)

Finally you can import your new Certificate making sure to use the same alias on the initial generation, pkiwebservices as you are replacing the self-signed cert already in the keystore.

Code Block
keytool -import -alias mywebservices -keystore mywebservices.bin -trustcacerts -file <filename_of_the_chain_certificate>
Certificate reply was installed in keystore # This is the expected response

This action replaces the self-signed certificate with a proper signed certificate. This is considered the first and bottom chain in a chain of certificates.

Configure Tomcat to Use the SSL Certificate

The final step is to configure Tomcat to use SSL.


This is an abridged and modified version of the following articles, - section on Certificate Chains was helpful