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Reducing the Pain of a Lost or Stolen Laptop

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Imagine for a second that your laptop is stolen. What keeps you up at night? It's not the cost of the computer it's what people can do with your data.

But because encryption is a pain, a lot of people don't bother protecting their data. Windows user name and password is trivial to break. Here are easy steps to help you sleep better at night and also increase the chance of your laptop being returned.

Provide Contact Information

Obvious but who reading this actually has put contact information on their laptop? Vote below. Yeah me too. I got to do this right after I finish this article.

A note about a reward will also help chances of return too.

For companies who put their company name on the laptop, if you are a large organization where confidentiality is important (ie banks or government) in my opinion, putting your name on the laptop pretty much guarantees a snoop. Instead So if you do this make sure to counter measures setup.

If you're still figuring it out, instead provide a number for a generic department that does not answer the phone with your organization's name.

Lock Your Hard Drive

Native to most new modern hard drives is the ability to password protect the drive at the hardware level. Once the password is set, the hard drive will not initialize without the correct password.

Some Caveats


Enable a BIOS Boot Password

Password Protect the BIOS

Obvious, but lots of people forget this step. 

Change the Boot Sequence

No point in all that effort if somebody can use a boot disk and load a custom program bypass your BIOS. Change the boot order (to boot from your C: drive first). This makes it next to impossible to get a boot virus and again frustrating to do anything with the system including installing a new operating system.

Encrypt the Drive

Also native to most new hard drives, is the ability to encrypt your data. Personally I don't go this route because it makes recovery of your data very difficult and next to impossible if you forgot your passwords.

Phone Home


References - talks about locking hard drives. - it is possible to unlock the drives...