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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

See Confluence Setup Archive for older versions of Confluence.

Table of Contents


Confluence is a knowledge management system. If you are not sure why you would want to use Confluence, you might want to read the Introduction to Knowledge Management.


  1. Confluence Standalone (includes its own embedded Tomcat) for Linux
  2. Java Run-time Engine (JRE)
  3. PostgreSQL
  4. Apache Web Server (optional)

It is recommended that you finish reading the article before starting.

Here is a logical diagram of how Confluence will be setup,

Gliffy Diagram
nameConfluence Setup Logical Diagram

Ideally your system should have about 1 3 GB of memory set aside for Confluence. If you stay below Confluence 6.0 (before Synchrony was introduced) you would get away with 2GB of Memory using Java 32-bit.

Install Required Dependent OS Packages

Confluence and in turn Java uses fonts to export to pdf and show powerpoint slides. According to Oracle for Solaris and Unix there is a requirement for valid X11 fonts.

Code Block
sudo apt-get install fontconfig


Confluence comes with its own embedded database called hsqldb. However, for real production use you should use a full fledged database like PostgreSQL. It is recommended to install a supported version.

Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu.

Install Confluence

Core Package

Download the Go to the Confluence download page and get the most recent Linux tar.gz install package and decompress it,

Code Block
su - serveradmin # if you are not already

gunzip atlassian-confluence-4.0.5.tar.gz
tar -xvpf atlassian-confluence-4.0.5.tar
su - bhitch # log in as a staff user that can run sudo
# Use specific version numbers. This will make upgrade easier in the future.
sudo mv /home/serveradmin/atlassian-confluence-4.0.5/ /opt/

Next, we make the symbolic link directory. Scripts and anything else you do will use the symbolic link directory. When the new version of Confluence comes along you have various options for upgrading.

Code Block
su - bhitch # log in as a staff user that can run sudo
cd /opt
# make a symbolic link which scripts and commands can run against
sudo ln -s ./atlassian-confluence-4.0.5 ./confluence

Manually Setup JRE

I use a manual Java setup with an instance of Java specifically for the application.


Make sure you are to ensure that your the version of Confluence supports the JRE. At some point before Conflouence 4.2.2 only the JDK was supported.

Include Page
9.0 Zero Footprint Java on Ubuntu
9.0 Zero Footprint Java on Ubuntu


Code Block
cd /home/serveradmin
sudo mv ./jre1.6.0_29java/ /opt/confluence/java # moves and renames the directory in one step

Configure Confluence to Use JRE

The downloaded Confluence package is powered by Tomcat. You can specify Tomcat use a specific java directory by .

modifying the Confluence confluence/bin/ file and test with confluence/bin/ as described at Running Tomcat with a specific JRE version.


TDB - This can be improved by moving "how to specify java for Tomcat" out of the Tomcat 6 setup instructions into a separate page and then using an "include" here.

Follow the section of Portable Tomcat 6.x & Instances described in the table below. Also make sure to adjust the file paths as shown,

Run Tomcat with a Specific Java Version Using setenv.shopt/apache/tomcat.1/bin/


Your resulting Confluence file will look like this,

Code Block
# See the CATALINA_OPTS below for tuning the JVM arguments used to start Confluence.

# Bonsaiframework - Modification Start
# --------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------
# Bonsaiframework - Modification End

echo "If you encounter issues starting up Confluence, please see the Installation guide at"
# set the location of the pid file
if [ -z "$CATALINA_PID" ] ; then
    if [ -n "$CATALINA_BASE" ] ; then
    elif [ -n "$CATALINA_HOME" ] ; then

Now test with and you'll see something along these lines,

Code Block
If you encounter issues starting up Confluence, please see the Installation guide at

Server startup logs are located in /opt/confluence/logs/catalina.out
Using CATALINA_BASE:   /opt/confluence
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /opt/confluence
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/confluence/temp
Using JRE_HOME:        /opt/confluence/java
Using CLASSPATH:       /opt/confluence/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/confluence/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Using CATALINA_PID:    /opt/confluence/work/
Server version: Apache Tomcat/8.0.36
Server built:   Jun 9 2016 13:55:50 UTC
Server number:
OS Name:        Linux
OS Version:     4.15.0-54-generic
Architecture:   amd64
JVM Version:    12.0.2+10
JVM Vendor:     Oracle Corporation

Configure Confluence to Only Start and Stop with ServerAdmin

To prevent read errors and for security purposes we want Confluence to only run as with the operating account serveradmin.

Using the account serveradmin, modify /opt/confluence/bin/ and /opt/confluence/bin/ as instructed in "Only Allow serveradmin to Run Tomcat" at Portable Tomcat 6.x & Instances.


Confluence 4.x also introduced their own script files which to also perform this check when running and However, admins can still accidentally run or

Only Allow serveradmin to Run Tomcat/opt/apache/tomcat.1/bin/



As of Confluence 4.x, new start up scripts added,


Code Block
CONF_USER="serveradmin" # Only this user may run or

export CONF_USER

Configure Data Directory

Also we need to create the home directory,



# confluence.home=c:/confluence/data

Optional Restrict Access to Confluence Folders

In a multipurpose environment, you may want to restrict access to the Confluence folders. The BonsaiFramework uses the following approach,


Now only users belonging to staff or serveradmin can view the Confluence folders.

However, this is not enough. Any new files created in those directories will change to what the particular user has set in terms of that user's groups. This also includes the process user serveradmin. The log files created when Confluence start will belong to serveradmin user and serveradmin group - which we don't want. So to fix this we tell the Directories to set the setgid bit,

Code Block
cd /opt
sudo find ./confluence/ -type d | sudo xargs -I{} chmod g+s {}
sudo find ./confluence-data/ -type d | sudo xargs -I{} chmod g+s {}

Configure PostgreSQL

Setup Database

These are the command line version of the instructions from Confluences wiki on setting up an external database.


First log into the PostgreSQL prompt as explain explained in PostgreSQL on Ubuntu.

Create the confluence database admin account.


Make sure to change putYourPasswordHere to a secure password.

If following the Bonsaiframework Server Standards, the password would use an algorithm based on the server name.

Code Block
CREATE ROLE confluencedbuser LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'putYourPasswordHere'
VALID UNTIL 'infinity';
COMMENT ON ROLE confluencedbuser IS 'Account used by the Confluence application.';

The servers will respond to each respective command,

Code Block

Create the database.

Code Block
CREATE DATABASE confluencedb


Finally quit the PostgreSQL prompt,

Code Block

The name of the database is different than in the confluence documentation. Rather than the database name confluence, we use confluencedb to clearly designate a database.


Check Updated JDBC Driver


 Sometimes the most PostgreSQL recent JDBC4 driver is not always available with Confluence. If that is the case and you want to take advantage of the newer driver follow these steps.

Download the most recent JDBC4 driver from the PostgreSQL website and place the jar file into Generally, Confluence is pretty good at packaging the most up to date JDBC driver or their supported databases and you can skip this step.

However, for enterprise class systems, it is a good idea to check if there is an important update available.

For example, we had one situation where the particular version of the PostgreSQL JDBC driver had a memory leak that would crash Confluence. Determine your version of PostgreSQL by logging into the server running the database and executing,

Code Block
psql --version # this will return the version
psql (PostgreSQL) 9.3.9

Downloading the matching JDBC driver from the PostgreSQL website.  Review the chart showing version of Java with Postgres. Replacing the old jar the /opt/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/ directory. Then delete the old JDBC4 driver.,

Code Block
su - serveradmin
cd /opt/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/
# delete the existing jar
ls postgres*
rm postgresql-9.02-8011002.jdbc4.jar

Using the wrong JDBC driver will cause memory leaks


 # Delete the old jar file
# In this case the version of Java and Postgres calls for using a newer jdbc41 driver,

Starting the Confluence Service

We will now start Starting Confluence for the first time to initialize everythinginvolves going starting the process and using a wizard to build the initial database.


If using virtual machine technology, now would be a good time to take a snapshot of the system.

Confluence 4.x introduces a new script to To start confluence,

Code Block
cd /opt/confluence/bin/

Next, hit visit the website with a browser, http://krypton:8090/ to start the first time configuration wizard.


The intial user will be called "Server Admin" with user name serveradmin. Use a special email for this account and keep in mind that Confluence enforces that email addresses must be unique across all users.

Stopping the Service

There appears to be a problem with shutting down the Confluence server. According to Atlassian, this only happens on certain configuration and they are not able to determine yet why. I have personally experienced with every type of Virtualized Ubuntu system I have setup over the past few years. It seems to occur once there is 2-3 users worth of activity and data in the wiki.


Code Block
kill 2364 # Note change 2364, to the process ID that you see on your screen.

Initial Administrator Tasks


TBC - This section still needs to be written to take the user through setting up the base url, creating their first space , with subsections to disabling automatic backup, how to do real backups and any other important activities.

Optimize Confluence


These instructions should be written with more detail. Particularly, "Setup email".

There are some basic tasks we should do before getting other people on board.

Once logged in go to, Browser, Confluence Admin. There are tasks there that Confluence recommends, the most important to us being,


These instructions should be written with more detail. Particularly, "Setup email".

  1. Disable automatic backup
  2. Setup email
  3. Update Confluence plugins


  1. Setup email
  2. Update Confluence plugins

Disable Search Engine Indexing

In the case of a private site, you may not want Google or any other search engine to crawl your wiki. Even in the case of a password protected site this will still happen and take up unnecessary bandwidth, processing and bump up the amount of memory consumed by Confluence.


This content needs to be refined and should in fact link to a detailed article on robots.txt and other ways of preventing crawling.

If you had been following the steps outline by the Bonsai Framework the Confluence configuration will be,

  • Fronted by Apache
  • The root of the website is located at /home/
  • The mapping from Apache to Confluence is /wiki/

As such, robots.txt will be placed in the root of the website and look like this,

Code Block
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wiki/

Enable User Activity Logging

This is optional, but in an environment with sensitive data you may want to see what users are doing what,

Connect Apache to Confluence

As this install of Confluence is powered by Tomcat we can front Confluence with the Apache Web Server.

First start with setting up your Web Server.

Connect Apache to Confluence using mod_Proxy


Connect Apache to Confluence using mod_JK

Start by reviewing the generic instructions to configure Tomcat (the engine that Confluence uses) with Apache using mod_jk.

As of Confluence 6. or later, it is no longer endorsed to use only mod_jk to proxy. This is because Synchrony, which is required for collaborative editing, cannot accept AJP connections. The preferred configuration is Using Apache with mod_proxy.

Enable Tomcat AJP Connector

First we must enable the the Connector. In this example we will use the standard port 9009 8009 in the Confluence Tomcat. Edit /opt/confluence/conf/server.xml.



The UTF-8 is important as Confluence is developed to post using UTF-8.

Without this setting errors occur when working with attachments containing special characters. Further details are covered in the Bonsai Tomcat Connector article.

Select and Enable Context Path

Often you want to use the Apache Web Server to front more than one web application. In order to do this you want each web application to work within it's own context. This is pretty standard in most java applications. As such, we will pick a context path, in this case "wiki". As such the original url, http://localhost:8090/ changes to http://localhost:8090/wiki

Modify the bundled Confluence Tomcat Context directive and change the by modifying the file, /opt/confluence/conf/server.xml changing the attribute path="" to path="/wiki",


This change does not take effect until the Confluence service stopped and started again. We will do that in the the next section.

Configure Apache Tomcat Connector


Still need to fill in clearer instructions on this topic.

Once port 8009 is enabled, mod_jk can be enabled by following the Apache Tomcat Connector instructions.

Change Base URL in Confluence


Put instructions here about changing the base url if fronted by Apache.

Verify Internationalization Features

Even if you do not plan to have the wiki work for multiple languages, you should verify the internationalization is working properly just to handle special characters.

Visit the http://<host address>:<port>/admin/encodingtest.action url on your system and follow the instructions.

Future Upgrade Notes

As part of planning for future upgrades here is a checklist to keep in mind. As an example, we will be upgrading from Confluence 4.0.5 to 4.3.2.

Review the Upgrade and Release Notes

Take note of any significant changes, especially between larger release numbers.

Backup Your Data

It goes without saying, backup your data. With Cloud and Virtual computing take a snap shot. With manual backups you can use Confluence's built in backup utility through the web interface (to do: provide link to instructions) or manually make the following backups,

  • TAR and Compress the Confluence data home folder for backup purposes
  • Backup the database using your database management tools (will link to Roderick's articles on backing up of PostgreSQL here)

Database Password

Make sure you know the admin password for your database.


Make sure to copy over the java folder or take this opportunity to install and an updated version of Java.

Copy Existing Java

To copy the existing version of Java,

Code Block
su - serveradmin
cp -R /opt/confluence/java /opt/atlassian-confluence-4.3.2/java
sudo ln -s ./atlassian-confluence-4.0.5 ./confluence

Upgrade Java

Follow the steps in this article about how to Manually Setup the JRE.

Check Database Driver

Check that the version of Java and the Postgres JDBC version match up and and update accordingly (see setup instructions in this same article for details).

Key Files

Over time this may change, for example the file was added when moving between Confluece 3.x and 4.x. So, whoever does the upgrade please update the notes below,


Verification of identified upgrade files history,

  • November 2012, Confluence 4.3 to 4.3.3 by Tin.
  • October 2012, Confluence 4.2 to 4.3.2 by Dickson.

Merge the following key files,

  • /opt/confluence/bin/
  • /opt/confluence/conf/server.xml
  • /opt/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/
  • /opt/confluence/bin/
  • /opt/confluence/bin/
  • /opt/confluence/bin/ (new to Confluence 4.x)

If you had enabled logging of user activity,

  • /opt/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/
  • opt/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/web.xml
  • /confluence/WEB-INF/classes/

If you use Araxis Merge and Expand Drive, I have developed a comparison script to quickly load all required files.


Note that for Solaris the file /opt/confluence/bin/, the call to the 'id' binary needs to be updated to point to '/usr/xpg4/bin/id'

Optionally, if there was a version mismatch with the jdbc driver,

  • /opt/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc4.jar - add
  • /opt/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc3.jar - remove

Special Modifications

You may choose to modify special files. For  example, I modify the footer,

  • /opt/confluence/confluence/decorators/includes/footer-content.vm

If you used a symbolic link as described in this article, make sure to update your symbolic link,

Code Block
cd /opt/
sudo rm confluence
sudo ln -s ./atlassian-confluence-4.3.2 ./confluence


Also, keep a page listing any plug-ins you install. Upgrades generally do not require you to reinstall the plugins but they might be deprecated. After the upgrade is done, login as Administrator on Confluence and ensure plug-ins are up to date.



Check out the Confluence Plugins page for more details.


Check Administration Console

The Administration Console may also have messages for you to run specific tasks with instructions. For example when upgrading from 3.5.4 to 4.1, "Update content with incompatible upgraded macros".

Disable Search Engine Indexing

In the case of a private site, you may not want Google or any other search engine to crawl your wiki. Even in the case of a password protected site this will still happen and take up unnecessary bandwidth, processing and bump up the amount of memory consumed by Confluence.


This content needs to be refined and should in fact link to a detailed article on robots.txt and other ways of preventing crawling.

If you had been following the steps outline by the Bonsai Framework the Confluence configuration will be,

  • Fronted by Apache
  • The root of the website is located at /home/
  • The mapping from Apache to Confluence is /wiki/

As such, robots.txt will be placed in the root of the website and look like this,

Code Block
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wiki/

Confluence Customizations

Confluence Customizations

 Ensure any customization done are carried over.

Enable Logging

... done up above list files...

Change favicon.ico

Currently, Confluence does not provide an easy way to change the favicon.ico that will persist after an upgrade. If you want this feature, vote for this request on Jira. Otherwise, a good solution may be implemented using Apache's mod_rewrite.


Finally drop a favicon.ico into your virtual host's root directory. In this example, /home/

System Profile

Using htop, initial setup without any spaces created is 396MB. The process itself uses  VIRT=913M and RES=338M.

Changing the Server ID

If you are migrating a Confluence instance to a new server and the Server ID was not changed after a full restore.

Check the confluence.cfg.xml located in the confluence-data directory there will be a line listed.

Stop Confluence and make sure to do a back up of this server ID as it can make your confluence unusable if you make a mistake.

Code Block
<property name="">XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX</property>

Change the Server ID in this line and save it. Now you will need to make sure it is also in the confluence database.

Login to your confluence database, here is how it can be done with postgres user.

Code Block
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
\connect DBNAME

Now check the server ID and then change it if needed.

Code Block
select * from BANDANA where bandanakey = '';
 bandanaid | bandanacontext |      bandanakey      |             bandanavalue   
         4 | _GLOBAL        | | <string>BBP9-O5SW-YSZW-GWLR</string>
(1 row)

Update the ID if it does not match the ID in confluence.cfg.xml.

Code Block
update BANDANA set bandanavalue = '<string>XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX</string>' where bandanakey = '';

Now start confluence and check the License Details for your changes and update your License key accordingly.