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Having a a portable environment to easily share among developers using the zero footprint service approach if possible.


This article is being pulled from the Getting Started and Manual Eclipse Java Tomcat Setup documents from

There is a working implementation of this for SiteMesh at the SiteMesh Wiki.

The BonsaiFramework uses a portable Java EE development environment that is composed of the following components,


To get quickly started download the package that matches your operating system.


Operating Systems

Windows XP - Windows 7

Windows 64-bit XP - Windows 7

Ubuntu 8.x - Current


Ubuntu 64-bit 8.x - Current


tbdMac OS X


Windows 7 32-bit

tbdWindows 7 64-bit

Let's try and do Eclipse using Java 64 but then have Tomcat 32-bit use Java 32-bit.

Eclipse Setup

You want to download the portal (tar.gz for Linux, zip for Windows) version of Eclipse and not the installer.


Following the portability principle of the Bonsai Framework there is not no installer and the software is not isolated from the operating system.

The remainder of this document provides details about how to build/adjust the portable environment yourself. These same instructions should also work for the SpringSource Tool Suite.

Eclipse Setup

Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. Eclipse has no install. It is simply a matter of uncompressing.

Select Location

The trick is that Eclipse, Tomcat and Java actually do not need to be "installed". They run fine just by being dropped into specific directories. Select a drive and directory your computer where you will be keeping everything. The Bonsai Framework uses,

  • Windows = C:\apps\
  • Wiki MarkupLinux or Unix = /home/\[your home directory\]/apps for example, /home/tpham/apps/
  • Mac OS X = same as Linux

Mac OS X has a special file system for applications. You can not just browse to it normally. Go to your "apps" directory and you should see,

  1. Right click
  2. Select "Show Package Contents"
  3. Go into the "Eclipse" folder

Setup Package Java

Download Oracle's JRE (Java Runtime Environment) and follow the manual Java setup instructions.

Move the Java folder into your eclipse directory. For example,

  • Windows = C:\apps\eclipse\jre1.6.0_18
  • Linux or Unix = /home/tpham/apps/eclipse/opt/jre1.6.0_18
  • Mac OS X = same as Linux

Modify eclipse.ini

Modify the eclipse.ini to point to your JRE with by adding -vm and a reference to Java.


See Specifying the JVM at the Eclipse Wiki to understand why.

Specifically with Mac OS, getting to eclipse.ini takes a few extra steps,

  1. Right click the Eclipse package.
  2. Select, Show Package Contents.
  3. Expand folders, Contents, Eclipse
  4. You should see eclipse.ini.

Edit with solid text editor.


If you are using STS on Mac OS X, first you need to use the JDK (Java Development Kit) not the JRE (Java Runtime Environment)

  1. Go to your STS installation, and right-click on STS Application
  2. Select ‘Show Package Contents’
  3. A new Finder window will open and show the content of the application bundle.
  4. In Contents/MacOS is STS.ini which is equivalent of eclipse.ini

Two key thing to keep in mind,

  1. You can not mix 32-bit and 64-bit. For example, running Eclipse 32-bit and Java 64-bit will not work.
  2. Placement of the -vm option is very important. The -vm option must occur before the -vmargs option.
  3. If everything appears on one line use a better free editor like Notepad++.

Here is an example of what the eclipse.ini would look like for Windows,

Code Block
# ---------------------------
# Start Bonsai Framework
# -----------------------
# Use local version of Java.
# Note, these lines must come just before -vmwargs
# -----------------------
# End Bonsai Framework
# ---------------------------

Here is an example of eclipse.ini for Unix or Linux change the jre line to,

Code Block
See Specifying the JVM at the Eclipse Wiki for more deteails
# ---------------------------
# Start Bonsai Framework
# -----------------------
# Use local version of Java.
# Note, these lines must come just before -vmwargs
# -----------------------
# End Bonsai Framework
# --------------------------- 

For Mac OS X the jre line is slightly different and is unique to your own home directory,

Code Block
# ---------------------------
# Start Bonsai Framework
# -----------------------
# Use local version of Java.
# Note, these lines must come just before -vmwargs
# -----------------------
# End Bonsai Framework
# --------------------------- 

Launch Eclipse

Start Eclipse by running the Eclipse executable included with the release. In our example the directories would be,

  • Windows = C:\apps\eclipse\eclipse.exe
  • Linux or Unix = /home/tpham/apps/eclipse/eclipse
  • Mac OS X = same as Linux

If using Mac OS X you will receive an error due to modification of the eclipse.ini file,


“” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

There are two ways of fixing this.

Clicking to Add to GateKeeper Rules

By manually adding Eclipse, you can remove yourself in the future.

Open the mac terminal and type the following,

Code Block
su - setup.admin # My normal Mac User does not have sudo privileges, yours might.
cd ~/apps/
sudo spctl --master-disable

Then the error message turns to,

“” is an application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?

Click "open". This will add Eclipse into the GateKeeper Rules and everything should start.

Then enable the protection again,

Code Block
sudo spctl --master-enable

Now Eclipse will start properly.

When time permits, I will do a capture of the all registered rules to see exactly what the new rule fingerprint looks like and document the process here.

Manually Adding Eclipse to GateKeeper Rules


This would be the preferred method but I found it did not quite work right. I noticed a typo so need to try again on a fresh machine.

Open the mac terminal and type the following,

Code Block
su - setup.admin # My normal Mac User does not have sudo privileges, yours might.
spctl --add --label "eclipse" # is the Eclipse package.


Look for the entry,

Code Block
su - setup.admin # My normal Mac User does not have sudo privileges, yours might.
spctl --list | grep -i "eclipse"

You can remove the Eclipse by typing,

Code Block
su - setup.admin # My normal Mac User does not have sudo privileges, yours might.
spctl --remove --label "eclipse" # is the Eclipse package.

Setup Tomcat

Similar to Eclipse, Tomcat also is also packaged without an installer. For windows we download the x86 .zip and for Linux or Unix download the .tar.gz file. Following the Bonsai Framework standards, decompress to the following folder,

  • C:\apps\eclipse-servers\apache-tomcat-6.0.24
  • /home/tpham/apps/eclipse-servers/apache-tomcat-6.0.24


Configure Eclipse to Use Tomcat


Configure Eclipse Editor on Windows

On the Windows environment, the default encoding is not UTF-8. As such modification need to be made ensure special characters work properly.

Editing UTF-8 Files

All our property files must be UTF-8 with no BOM (Byte Order Marking). For Eclipse to properly edit the UTF-8 property files,

  • Window, Preferences
  • General, Content Types, Text,
    • Java Properties File
      • Change Default encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8
      • Click Update
    • JSP
      • Change Default encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8
      • Click Update
  • General, Workspace *
    • Text file encoding, Other
    • Change Cp1252(this may differ depending on your OS)  to UTF-8
    • Click Apply

On a Linux environment the Text file encoding will already default to UTF-8 so you can skip this step. This article shows how to do it with a file in Windows. I am a bit suspicious if this covers everything though... will check out soon.

Creation of Web Files in UTF-8

This changes what format and automatic encoding tags used when you use Eclipse wizards to create web file.

  • Window, Preferences, Web
  • Encoding, change the following to ISO 10646/Unicode(UTF-8),
    • CSS Files
    • HTML Files
    • JSP Files

At this point there are two methods of setting up the Project, manual or automatic.Ok this is where we have a problem. Once the Tomcat instance is created there seems to be no way to dynamically specify the various classpath entries... double-click on the server, Overview, Open Launch configuration, Classpath.

There it is hard coded. As soon the eclipse directory changes, the server stops working. Tried various variable options with Garth without success.


Now that's it's 2014 maybe this changed... also try talking to Patrick.
