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If you don't quite get the value of Docker, or as a system admin you are can't let go of your SSH console, start with LXC. After that you might (as I have) turn to like what Docker has to offer for certain use cases where ephemeral applications make sense. 

Implement Docker inside of LXC and you can increase both application and operating system density.

Latest versus Ubuntu Managed

There are two ways to install Docker on Ubuntu,


Running a Ubuntu Managed install resulted in Docker 1.11.2 build b9f10c9 which from the Docker release notes was submitted on Jun 1 2016. In comparison, directly results in 1.12.0 build 8eab29e. At the time the most up to date is Docker 1.12.1 build 0dc92ee.

Running Docker Inside of LXD

Docker and completely compatible. Set up and run as normal..

Install Docker Ubuntu Managed

For latest and greatest use the instructions on the Docker website. For easy of maintenance use Ubuntu native,


Code Block
docker version
sudo docker run hello-world

Building a Docker Image



Looking top down, the real power of Docker can only be realized with orchestration technologies. Here are the leading ones, I am just starting to look at,

Docker Swarm - Built in method to orchestate Docker.

Kubernetes - Used by Google and they have a free trial to check out.

Apache Mesos - Twitter, Airbnb, Hubspot and Apple run it.

Docker Swarm - Not sure how this fits yet.

Docker Resources

View file
nameDocker Cookbook.pdf

View file


Docker in LXD -
