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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


  • Stores CA certificates
  • CRLs
  • Optionally, user information

Starting Services

Services must be started and stopped in the right order.

  • Master Directory and any Directory Shadows
  • Informix Database
  • CA
  • Roaming Server all instances

Start Directory via Management Tool

This is  Shawn's preferred method.

Start the management tool,

Code Block

Upon startup of odsmgmt, if there were any errors during shut down you would see them.

Start the service by hitting s,

Code Block

CP Directory Server Management

Enter the letter for the management operation required:

    (s) Start the directory
    (w) Display directories running
    (l) Display odssched.log
    (e) Report any errors or warnings that occurred
    (c) Clears any errors or warnings that have occurred
    (q) Quit


odssched 10393 started

Verify that the service is working,

Code Block
pid     inst    action          fails   state   name    options

10394   M       default         0       ok      odsmdsa -d"/var/cpshadow"
10395   0       restart this    0       ok      odssdsa
10396   1       restart this    0       ok      odssdsa
10397   0       restart this    0       ok      odscomms
10398   0       restart this    0       ok      odscommsi
10399   0       default         0       ok      odsshadi
10400   0       restart this    0       ok      odsldap3        -ldap:389 -ldaps:0 -http:0 -https:0 -charsetv2:iso8859-1

Start Directory via Command Line

Primary Directory

Log into CA1.

Start the Critical Path Directory Server as the diradmin user,

Code Block
su -
su - diradmin
odselog -a       # Check if there were errors before you start
cd /var/cpmaster # You MUST be in the Critical Path Data Directory of the instance you want to start

Verify that the service is running properly,

Code Block
odsmgmt -v
pid     inst    action          fails   state   name    options

6933    M       default         0       ok      odsmdsa -d"/var/cpmaster"
6934    0       restart this    0       ok      odssdsa
6935    1       restart this    0       ok      odssdsa
6936    0       restart this    0       ok      odscomms
6937    0       restart this    0       ok      odscommsi
6938    0       default         0       ok      odsshadi
6939    0       restart this    0       ok      odsldap3        -ldap:1389 -ldaps:0 -http:0 -https:0 -charsetv2:iso8859-1

You can also see the processes,

Code Block
ps -ef | grep ods
diradmin  6932  1191   0 14:11:41 ?           0:00 odssched
diradmin  6934  6932   0 14:11:41 ?           0:00 odssdsa -I0
diradmin  6936  6932   0 14:11:41 ?           0:00 odscomms -P0 -I0
diradmin  6935  6932   0 14:11:41 ?           0:00 odssdsa -I1
diradmin  6933  6932   0 14:11:41 ?           0:00 odsmdsa -d"/var/cpmaster" -I0
diradmin  6937  6932   0 14:11:41 ?           0:00 odscommsi -P0 -I0
diradmin  6938  6932   0 14:11:41 ?           0:00 odsshadi -I0
    root  6939  6932   0 14:11:41 ?           0:09 odsldap3 -ldap:1389 -ldaps:0 -http:0 -https:0 -charsetv2:iso8859-1 -instanceNum
diradmin  8235  5612   0 14:30:29 pts/2       0:00 grep ods

The primary Critical Path Directory Services is now running.

Shadow Directory

Log into RS1.

Repeat the above steps except the data directory changes from cpmaster to cpshadow,

Code Block
su -
su - diradmin
odselog -a       # Check if there were errors before you start
cd /var/cpshadow # You MUST be in the Critical Path Data Directory of the instance you want to start
odsmgmt -v

Should put instructions here on verifying shadow agreement works. 2 ways, view new Directory entries and see if it replicates or use DAC (Directory Access Center) fat client program.

Informix Database




Roaming Server

Log into RS3

There is also an extra RS3 to enable Enforced Roaming ID for Admin Services 7.3. This is temporary until Entrust provides a fix to allow AS itself to enforce Roaming IDs.

Stopping Services
