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Google Cloud's Compute Engine uses KVM as the hypervisor. Nuff said in terms of longevity, security and support. The other advantage and reason I settled on KVM is that unlike other hypervisors it works with pretty much any hardware (which I found out the hard way trying to get my old Dell laptop working with other options first). foundational home cloud... based on KVM used by Google Cloud

What is outlined here can be considered foundational home Cloud to gain an under the hoods look at Google Cloud engine.

Setup Server

Setup Ubuntu Server on Dell Laptop laptop (really don't use Dell because it has various challenges... ).


Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate Edition

It was seamless. There were various articles about Virtio drivers but never prompted... and it just worked. Link to my customization to improve W7 performance.

Just keeping incase needed... will do some digging if Virtio drivers are truly not needed,


Start the setup as normal but have the Virtio drivers required via ISO from RedHat. I chose to go with more tested drivers and downloaded Stable virtio-win iso.


Windows unlike Linux requires virtio drivers to get features for the VM to,

  • Release memory
  • Improve performance

Note though that I found with VirtIO Disk I lost the ability to take snapshots though with VirtIO Disk... I believe this is just a bug though and will get fixed in the future (July 2017).

Looks promising -


Download and load the Virtio Floppy Disk (virtio-win amd64 floppy).

Start the Windows 7 setup as normal but you will be prompted the Virtio Hard Disk drivers which you point to on the floppy.

Don't update Windows yet. Shutdown and load Windows 7 ISO (virtio-win iso) from RedHat. Boot up.

Going into device manager you will see something missing, it's the memory driver so load it.

Shutdown again you then need to set the min (current allocation) and max (maximum allocation) to properly use the vritio memory driver). You might want to watch your actual memory usage to determine best min because ballooning likely (need to check) take resources and you also want to not set yourself up to be over allocated if other systems ballon too. For my needs Win 7 I find it usually stays at 1.6GB, so I allocate 1.6GB - 4GB.

Finally, the default realtek network should work, but to get better performance switch to the virtio network card and repeat.

Windows 10

Not supported officially yet. Windows 7 is more than fine given it won't drop support for next few years. Unofficial here,

Finally Good more decent instructions -

Instructions -

Ubuntu KVM Guest Drivers -

Expose VMs to the Network via Public Bridge

Ubuntu Server

KVM can setup up a Public Bridge during boot of the VM and this can be manipulated using VMM (Virtual Machine Manager).

First confirm the name of your active network card.

(to put instructions here)

Using VMM. Turn off you VM if not already off. Load Information window, choose NIC, change Network source to Host device macvtap. Notice KVM auto generated a unique mac.

Boot and now your VM exists like a real machine on your existing network....

But this is not really a good solution and problematic as I found with Ubuntu Desktop... leading to the real solution which is to use VMM at the higher level and configure a proper bridge.

Finally found the clarity by following instructions at Note as you follow the VMM GUI instructions you will find VMM will get disconnected after it executes the changes. Just reconnect after the changes are done.

Abridged notes...

  • Determine your existing network interface that works, in my case enp2s0.
  • Make a new bridge interface we'll call br0
  • Make enp2s0 slave to br0
  • br0 then is your new primary interface, receiving the host's IP address on your NIC
  • But it also is in bridge mode so VMs choosing to use br0 will get their own IP address against the same network via dhcp

You end up with /etc/network/interfaces going from this,

... put original file here...

To this

... to pu here ...

Additionally if you want to use a static IP,

Go from this,

Code Block
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto enp2s0
iface enp2s0 inet static

And after using VMM to configure the bridge it should look like this,

Code Block
 This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto br0
iface br0 inet dhcp
   bridge_ports enp2s0
   bridge_stp on
   bridge_fd 0.0

And then you need to manually edit to give br0 the static ip,

Code Block
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
   bridge_ports enp2s0
   bridge_stp on
   bridge_fd 0.0

If interested, you may want to read more details about bridge networking for virtualization.


Ubuntu Desktop

Did not work retrofitting... so this time trying during vm setup before install,

Network selection, Host device macvtp, Bridge... hmmm what is Passthrough


Resource Management

Understanding Dynamic Memory...


Alternative Container Manager and similar to Virtual Machine Manager can also be used for Linux Containers.

This article can help this person... when completed follow-up with a post -