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I appears that Fusion expects you to install in a specific directory structure. When I have time, I'll explore this more to see if my understanding is correct. For now use the structure,

Code Block

Untar using your serveradmin account,

Code Block
su - serveradmin
cd ~
mkdir lucidworks
tar -xvpf fusion-3.1.2.tar.gz

mv ./fusion/ ./lucidworks/
exit # exit back to your root enabled staff acount.

Finally using your root enabled account,

Code Block
sudo mv /home/serveradmin/lucidwork/ /opt/

Zero Footprint Java

Modify Java_Home injecting in lines after finding the match,


Code Block
sed '/function check_java() {/r lucid-set-javahomefusion_java_home.txt' /opt/lucidworks/fusion/3.1.2/bin/ > /opt/lucidworks/fusion/3.1.2/bin/

Notice your location and directory structure for starting and keep it this way because symbolic link files are generated on startup,TRY 2

Code Block
sed '/function check_java()/c\
function check_java()\
  # Bonsaiframework - Modification Start\
  # --------------------------------------\
  # --------------------------------------\
  # Bonsaiframework - Modification End\
' /opt/lucidworks/fusion/3.1.2/bin/

You file will have the following inserted,

Code Block
function check_java() {

  # Bonsaiframework - Modification Start
  # --------------------------------------
  # --------------------------------------
  # Bonsaiframework - Modification End

  if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then


Your home directory is considered, /opt/lucidworks/3.1.2 and I'm assuming you want to start from this directory to run properly.

Startup instructions seem to imply that you need to do it from a specific directory. When I have time, I'll try starting from the actual bin/fusion directory to see if the symlinks are properly generated.

Code Block
cd /opt/lucidworks/fusion/3.1.2
./bin/fusion start

After this first start, you'll see new newly created symbolic link directories created (bin, conf, latest, var),

Code Block
cd /opt/lucidworks/binconflatestvarfusion/
/opt/lucidworks/fusion$ ls -al
total 12
drwxr-xr-x  3 serveradmin serveradmin 4096 Nov 11 08:56 .
drwxrwxr-x  3 serveradmin serveradmin 4096 Nov 10 21:58 ..
drwxr-xr-x 11 serveradmin serveradmin 4096 Nov 11 08:53 3.1.2
lrwxrwxrwx  1 serveradmin serveradmin   10 Nov 11 08:56 bin -> latest/bin
lrwxrwxrwx  1 serveradmin serveradmin   11 Nov 11 08:56 conf -> latest/conf
lrwxrwxrwx  1 serveradmin serveradmin    5 Nov 11 08:56 latest -> 3.1.2
lrwxrwxrwx  1 serveradmin serveradmin   10 Nov 11 08:56 var -> latest/var


http://ubuntu.local:8764Fusion UIThis is the Admin interface and also includes Tincludes the Fusion Authorization Proxy to allow JSON calls provided you have authenticated.
http://ubuntu.local:8983/solr/Solr UINot sure if we should access it directly given Lucidworks has an interface.

UI Fusion Configuration

Wizard Steps

Next Steps

Index Workbench

Use the Index Workbench to control how Fusion transforms and enriches your data during import, parsing, and indexing.

Query Workbench

Use the Query Workbench to add search features such as facets, signals, and more.

Develop Search Application

Develop your search application using Fusion’s REST API.

Index Workbench

After running the wizard it prompts you to go to the Index Workbench
