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This article is reserved for the next person I mentor in technology.

Why Do We Use Name Resolution

... (link to Basics of IP Address article)

Bonjour for Name Resolution

Bonjour for Ubuntu,

Code Block
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon

Once this is installed, you may access your machine by adding .local to the machine's host name. For example if the hostname is plex, it can be access as plex.local.

Quick Summary

The key to understanding how data is transmitted on to the internet and how text files populate information onto the web we first have to start with understanding the basics.


  1. The user (being you) makes a request through your computer to find a particular site (ie.

        2. From your computer the request object is sent directly to the webserver.


Webserver: is a program that served the files that form web pages to the users, in response to their request, which is then forwarded by their computers. 


  1. This request contains important information for the webserver to interpret and send back the correct response object
  2. The request object contains:
    1. Source ip
    2. Page request (hostname)
    3. Path
    4. Browser version
    5. Os server
    6. Key value pair
    7. Port
    8. Protocol (ex. http or https)
  3. Once the information is received the webserver sends back a response object which contains:
    1. Webserver IP
    2. Page Url
    3. Cookies
  4. This information is retrieved and populated on your screen

At the most basic level possible, the following diagram shows the steps that brought that page to your screen.


Introduction- Resolving DNS Process

1)     When using the internet most people connect to websites or other internet servers by connecting to a domain name, as in “”. Internet applications, though, do not communicate via domain names, but rather uses IP address such as


  • tp 21
  • telnet 23
  • smtp 25 (Simple Mail Transfer, meaning e-mail)
  • time 37
  • nameserver 53
  • gopher 70
  • finger 79
  • www 80

In this particular case, we are making a general website search which will be accessed via port 80. A "request object" or "request header" is sent from the user (which happens "bihind the scenes" and requires no effort from the user) to the server that hosts the files, images, content, etc. that the user is requesting to access.

Here are the common pieces of information sent in a request header:

Browser Type: Chrome (user's browser)
Source IP: (user's IP)
OS: Windows (user's OS)
Domain Request:
Key Value Pair: Public

4) What is a web server?

A Web server is a computer system that processes request using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to serve the files that form Web pages to users, in response to their requests, which are forwarded by their computers' HTTP clients. All computers that host Web sites must have Web server programs. Most commonly used web server is Apache. Webservers are usually set up in facilities called Data Centers, and operated by hosting companies. The purpose of these computers is to store websites so that people can visit them on the internet. The files stored on web servers are read by browsers (such as Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Internet Explorer) which converts these files into images and text for you to view. Your browser communicates with web servers to bring you information from the internet.

How you would add styling to your html:

<p style="font-family:courier;">This is Michael at <b>10 minutes</b> old. Born just before midnight, our little Sagitarius night owl tuckered mama out.</p>

 To add a link in html:

Specify the target in the <a href=" ">.

Then add the text that should work as a link.

Finally add an </a> tag to indicate where the link ends


<a href= “text.html”> my first link</a>!

5) After the server has received the request header information and has retrieved the requested website content, the server then sends a "response object" or "response header" along with the content. The response essentially validates the user's request.

Here are the common pieces of information sent in a response header:

Browser Type: Chrome
Server IP:
OS: ubuntn
Cookies: Optional
Content Type: text/HTML

6) Public and Private Keys

  1. Using Keys to Upload Content to a Host

    To be able to host content on a server, you must first create both a public and private key. The private key is never shared and resides on the user's machine. The public key, however, is shared with the server host and resides on the server. When the user makes a request to connect with the host server with the intent to upload website content, the users sends the public key information that gets validated by the server.

  2. Using Keys for Transactional Activity (example: banking)


View file
nameResolving DNS_v0.3.pdf

HTML Basics

The Web is basically a system of formatted documents in a language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that supports links to other documents, links, as well as graphics, audio, and video files





<h1> Cassandra Edwards </h1>





<p> April <i> 24 </i> 2017 </p>




We also learned to attach a pic