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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The -i signifies inline editing and also will have sed automatically creates .

If you would like sed to automatically create a backup file . If you want to specify the suffix of the backup file you may add by adding .suffix. For example to create the backup file with the extension .baksedautobck,

Code Block
sed -i.baksedautobck 's/cow/reindeer/' hey.txt


Code Block
sed -i.baksedautobck 's/coy/reindeer/' hey.txt
cmp -s hey.txt hey.pristine.txt txt.sedautobck && echo "sed did not work, your files are identical."
sed did not work, your files are identical.

With the mistake you get the extra third line, "sed did not work, your files are identical.".

And if we want to be more fancy to make the cmp line more generic,

Code Block
sed -i.sedautobck 's/coy/reindeer/' hey.txt
cmp -s $_ $_.sedautobck && echo "sed did not work, your files are identical."
