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Download latest deb file and install it,  

Code Block
sudo wget ""

# According to my readings, Plex requries avahi-daemon... however, I'm not sure about avahi-utils... still to verify
sudo apt-get -f install avahi-daemon avahi-utils # If you still get an error message with this, try the next line.
sudo apt-get -f install # You may not need to do this if above worked.

sudo dpkg -i plexmediaserver_0. # Replace filename with the name of package downloaded.

This is also now configured to autostart on boot-up.


Plex will now be available on your server via your browser. Use your IP or in my case hostname works because I had installed Apple talk, http://plex.local:32400/.

Instructions can be flushed out here,

  • How to specify folders to use
  • Scan for folders
  • Setup to Automatically find new content ect...


Install the Plex App on your iPhone, iPad, Apple TV v4 or Roku. If your viewing device is on the same network it will automatically find your Plex Server and you are ready to go.

Plex Error

Depending on my server, I've seen the "Not Enough Bandwidth to Play..." error message exclusive to my Roku. To resolve this I changed the Transcoder quality by using the browser interface,

  1. Settings Icon on top right
  2. Server
  3. Transcoder
  4. Transcoder quality

I change from default to "Make my CPU hurt".

Watch Over the Internet

You can make your Plex server available over the Internet. Go to, Settings, Server, Remote Access and enable. Look at Manually specify port only if you have trouble.

I've run into issues after upgrading where Remote Access stopped working. To resolve, turned off Remote Access and then turned back on.


Console will notify and provide a direct link. You may also just download latest from website. No need to stop your Plex service. After download, change to the directory of the package,

Code Block
sudo dpkg -i plexmediaserver_0. # Replace filename with the name of the package downloaded.

Manually Stop and Start

Neve had to use this. ..The Plex server has never crashed on me ever.

Using Fix Incorrect Match

Plex uses different resources to match its media against. Normally, these are:


If an item doesn't appear in your preferred Agent's resource, it will not be matched. You can check your preferred Agent resource in the Server Preferences. If the preferred Agent doesn't match the item, you can try a different Agent using the Fix Incorrect Match tool.

Using Plex with a NAS to Store Your Media

I've got it working.

... to put instructions here ... 


Kodi originally XBMC using Exodus channel 

install avahi-utils first
