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Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Install PostgreSQL6.0 PostgreSQL on Ubuntu.

Install Confluence

Core Package



Make sure you are install a JDK and not  a JRE. This is a requirement of Confluence.

Include Page
9.0 Manually Setup Zero Footprint Java on Ubuntu
9.0 Manually Setup Zero Footprint Java on Ubuntu

Log in as your staff account which has sudo access to perform the actual move to /opt/


The downloaded Confluence package is powered by Tomcat. You can specify Tomcat use a specific java directory by modifying the Confluence confluence/bin/ file and test with confluence/bin/ as described at Running Tomcat with a specific JRE version.


This can be improved by moving "how to specify java for Tomcat" out of the Tomcat 6 setup instructions into a separate page and then using an "include" here.


Modify /opt/confluence/bin/ and /opt/confluence/bin/ as instructed in "Only Allow serveradmin to Run Tomcat" at Portable Tomcat 6.x & Instances.

Configure Data Directory


First log into the PostgreSQL prompt as explain in PostgreSQL on Ubuntu.

Create the confluence database admin account.



If you have been following these notes on how to setup Ubuntu, your firewall may be enabled. Make sure to enable access to port 8080.

Step through the configuration wizard and make the following selections,



This section still needs to be written to take the user through setting up the base url, creating their first space, disabling automatic backup, how to do real backups and any other important activities.

Setup Confluence to Send Emails

Confluence can send email notifications for updates and also used to perform user setup and password resets.

Setup your server to allow Email Delivery.

Verify Confluence can send emails using Confluence Administration, Mail Servers and Send test email link.

Optimize Confluence

There are some basic tasks we should do before getting other people on board.


  1. Disable automatic backup
  2. Setup emailConfluence to send emails
  3. Update Confluence plugins



The UTF-8 is important as Confluence is developed to post using UTF-8.

Without this setting errors occur when working with attachments containing special characters. Further details are covered in the Bonsai Tomcat Connector article.

Select and Enable Context Path


Once port 8009 is enabled, mod_jk can be enabled by following the Apache Tomcat Connector instructions.

Change Base Url in Confluence


You may choose to modify special files. For  example, I modify the footer,

  • /opt/confluence/confluence/decorators/includes/footer-content.vm
