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Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


  • Logs roll over to a new log each week.
  • Logs roll over if the reach size x.
  • Old log is gzipped.

If someone looks up size x please share it here.

Distinguishing Between Virtual Hosts


Vlogger - Similar (and intended as a replacement for) cronolog or httplog. This looks really easy to use, creates symlinks and can can hook into a database. On the negative side, the package seemed last updated in 2005.
Cronolog - the recommended solution from the Apache2 Log Files documentation but it was last updated in 2002. The biggest negative, I could not in 5 minutes and never bothered to go further on figuring out how to pipe for rollover and how to split at the same time. The problem is that during roll over, the cronolog actually stops logging for a short time before writing to a new file.


  1. Apache Log Files documenation
  2. Webmin
  3. ...