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From the Swift Resources page downloaded and loaded eBooks, but this browser link is better.

eBook recommended to download which I did and loaded up xCode by double-click.


Developer Tools Access needs to take control of another process for debugging to continue. Type the name and password of a user in the "Developer Tools" group to allow this.

Research on above message shows sample command which I read through man files to verify,

Code Block
su - setup.admin # account I use for administration
sudo dscl . merge /Groups/_developer GroupMembership tin.pham # merge first checks if you are already have the group versus append
groups # result of this command should now show _developer

Loaded playground and at first was confused. You should see just this one window. The noted red box shows the output of the code and dynamically updates as you make change,

Image Added

Went through the first tutorial. Honestly, this was just syntax. Below is what I found interesting in the language that is outside of what I see Java providing,


What I was more interested in was a tutorial was basics of using Xcode. How to develop an actual MAC OS X application, source control and finally how to package.