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Otherwise you can continue to read about each and install them selectively.


mlocate is a nice file search tool. Better than slocate because it respects permissions when searching. Faster and easier to use then find because it uses a database. As of Ubuntu 9.0.4 is part of the installation and a cron is already setup to keep the search index database up to date.

Code Block
sudo apt-get install mlocate
sudo updatedb # If you want to manually update the database.

ne Editor

ne is an editor similar to DOS Edit. It is menu driven and easy to use for new people. The only thing I wish it had was to be able to select text with the shift and arrow keys like DOS Edit.

Code Block
sudo apt-get install ne # Nice easy to use editor like DOS edit


Great tool to view system performance and what is happening to various processes. It is an improved version of the built in top command.

Code Block
sudo apt-get install htop


Tool to grab files over http and https.

Code Block
sudo apt-get install wget


Here are a bunch of more useful tools we recommend having,
