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This article is in rough notes form. If you would like to see it as instructional notes, let me know via comments below.

Windows 7 Alias

Open the Command Prompt as an Administrator,

Code Block
mklink /D C:\apps \\.psf\data-vmshared\apps
mklink /D C:\vmdata \\psf\data-vmshared\vmdata

dir should result in the following,

Code Block
 Volume in drive C is Prime
 Volume Serial Number is DC22-BC51

 Directory of C:\

24/09/2010  03:32 PM    <SYMLINKD>     apps \[\\.psf\data-vmshared\apps\]
13/07/2009  11:20 PM    <DIR>          PerfLogs
29/10/2010  01:33 AM    <DIR>          Program Files
29/10/2010  02:23 AM    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)
29/10/2010  01:42 AM    <DIR>          svn
24/09/2010  02:34 PM    <DIR>          Users
01/11/2010  10:22 PM    <SYMLINKD>     vmdata \[\\psf\data-vmshared\vmdata\]
28/10/2010  09:21 PM    <DIR>          Windows
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
               8 Dir(s)  54,830,313,472 bytes free

Notice the two SYMLINK directories.