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There are a number of licenses that we can use listed here. The ones that qualify for free Confluence licenses are listed here,

Please vote on what one you are most comfortable with.

My intention is to publish a version of this on the Internet and charge a nominal fee for access to the most current live version. The challenge is to setup an authentication system, check for robots and also multiple logins.

Creative Commons

The current front-runner for copyright is,

Creative Commons

All work and contributions to the Bonsai Framework full under this license,

Bonsai Framework by Bonsai Framework is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Profit Sharing

The model that everyone seems to agree is profit designation should be within reason. However, in the event of confusion if there is any disagreement the following model will be used.


In the case of publishing, 50% of the profit must allocated to the author of the respective work based on percentage of material used. In the case of multiple authors, the 50% profit would be split based on the percentage of contribution to the published material.




My intention is to publish a version of this on the Internet and charge a nominal fee for access to the most current live version. The challenge is to setup an authentication system, check for robots and also multiple logins.