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Comment: Put brackets right beside the -I to visually show the -I is settign the token variable value.


Code Block
find [folder] -type f | xargs -I {} grep -li "text" {}

find [folder] -type f                  # search the specified folder for all files, returns full path of each file
    | xargs -I {} grep -li "[text]" {} # piped into xargs to grep for all files containing specified text ignoring case


Code Block
find [folder] -type f | xargs -I {} grep -li "text" {} | xargs perl -pi -e 's/[text_to_search_for]/[text_to_search_for]/g'

find [folder] -type f                  # search the specified folder for all files, returns full path of each file
    | xargs -I {} grep -li "[text]" {} # piped into xargs with to grep for all files containing specified text ignoring case
    | xargs perl -pi -e 's/[text_to_search_for]/[text_to_replace_with]/g' # pipe list of files and using perl search and replace with specified text