Page tree

Versions Compared


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These instructions have proven to work with,


16.04 LTS in OpenVZ

Kernel 2.6.32-042stab139.1

JRE 8u221 64-bit6.15.7



Setup Apache Reverse Proxy


Make sure your sites works as expected with your virtual host.

Setup Confluence 6.x

Trouble Shooting First Setup

Just could not properly connect from the web server and getting strange errors.

Analysis 1

I believe I've found the error. It probably has to do with the search engine. On the test server's application server - with more memory and updated OS and newer Java - making this batch.js request results in a response. However, on the restricted environment it does not,


Code Block
04-Aug-2019 21:50:06.328 INFO [Catalina-utility-2] Registering annotated classes: [class com.atlassian.synchrony.proxy.websocket.WebSocketConfig,class com.atlassian.synchrony.proxy.web.SynchronyWebMvcConfig]
2019-08-04 21:50:06,648 INFO [Catalina-utility-1] [com.atlassian.confluence.lifecycle] contextInitialized Starting Confluence 6.15.7 [build 8100 based on commit hash e6b42acaec191a9bce4ab234dae0b1b08af15496] - synchrony version 2.1.0-release-confluence_6.15-32f7299a
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation

Analysis 2

Now with matching Java version at least, but not 64-bit.


Ok same Java version including 64-bit...


And that was it!

Make sure to adjust Confluence's context path through the admin console Server Base URL, in my case to www.breakitdown/wiki Here is my current working files,
