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Code Block
04-Aug-2019 21:50:06.328 INFO [Catalina-utility-2] Registering annotated classes: [class com.atlassian.synchrony.proxy.websocket.WebSocketConfig,class com.atlassian.synchrony.proxy.web.SynchronyWebMvcConfig]
2019-08-04 21:50:06,648 INFO [Catalina-utility-1] [com.atlassian.confluence.lifecycle] contextInitialized Starting Confluence 6.15.7 [build 8100 based on commit hash e6b42acaec191a9bce4ab234dae0b1b08af15496] - synchrony version 2.1.0-release-confluence_6.15-32f7299a
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation

Now with matching Java version at least, but not 64-bit.

I noticed that "synchrony version" does not show up on startup of the system with the issue,

Code Block
04-Aug-2019 21:50:06.328 INFO [Catalina-utility-2] Registering annotated classes: [class com.atlassian.synchrony.proxy.websocket.WebSocketConfig,class com.atlassian.synchrony.proxy.web.SynchronyWebMvcConfig]
2019-08-04 21:50:06,648 INFO [Catalina-utility-1] [com.atlassian.confluence.lifecycle] contextInitialized Starting Confluence 6.15.7 [build 8100 based on commit hash e6b42acaec191a9bce4ab234dae0b1b08af15496] - synchrony version 2.1.0-release-confluence_6.15-32f7299a
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation

Ok same Java version including 64-bit...