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The BonsaiFramework uses a portable development environment that is composed of the following components,

  • Eclipse
  • Java
  • Tomcat

To get quickly started download the package that matches your operating system. Unzip the package and launch Eclipse.


Following the portability principle of the Bonsai Framework there is not installer. Just unzip and launch Eclipse.


Operating Systems

Windows XP - Windows 7

Windows 64-bit XP - Windows 7

Ubuntu 8.x - Current


Ubuntu 64-bit 8.x - Current

The remainder of this document provides details about how to build/adjust the portable environment yourself.

Eclipse Setup

Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. Eclipse has no install. It is simply a matter of uncompressing.

Uncompress to c:\apps\

Setup Package Java


Launch Eclipse.

Configure Eclipse Editor on Windows

On the Windows environment, the default encoding is not UTF-8. As such modification need to be made ensure special characters work properly.

Editing UTF-8 Files

All our property files must be UTF-8 with no BOM (Byte Order Marking). For Eclipse to properly edit the UTF-8 property files,

  • Window, Preferences
  • General, Content Types, Text,
    • Java Properties File
      • Change Default encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8
      • Click Update
    • JSP
      • Change Default encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8
      • Click Update
  • General, Workspace *
    • Text file encoding, Other
    • Change Cp1252(this may differ depending on your OS)  to UTF-8
    • Click Apply

On a Linux environment the Text file encoding will already default to UTF-8 so you can skip this step. This article shows how to do it with a file in Windows. I am a bit suspicious if this covers everything though... will check out soon.

Creation of Web Files in UTF-8

This changes what format and automatic encoding tags used when you use Eclipse wizards to create web file.

  • Window, Preferences, Web
  • Encoding, change the following to ISO 10646/Unicode(UTF-8),
    • CSS Files
    • HTML Files
    • JSP Files

At this point there are two methods of setting up the Project, manual or automatic.