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Versions Compared


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This article has lots of room for improvement in tone and the instructions can be more clear.

Table of Contents

Install Required Libraries


As of Confluence 3.5, X11 dependencies are now no longer needed.

In order to render thumbnails and related functionality you need certain x-windows libraries. Refer to the list from the X-11 Dependencies Confluence install instructions and make sure to use the list matching your version of Confluence.


Because the list changes between each release, I recommend documenting what you installed. Then when upgrading, you can take two approaches,

  1. Remove all the required libraries from the previous Confluence release and then installing the required libraries for the new Confluence release
  2. Diff and remove unused libraries and install the deltaWe find that due to complex dependencies approach 1 is faster and easier.

Due to complex dependencies, we find that the first approach works better.

For older versions of Confluence see Confluence 3.0 - 3.4 Setup.

Table of Contents


Confluence comes with its own embedded database called hsqldb. However, for real production use you should use a full fledged database like PostgreSQL.


  • /opt/confluence/confluence/decorators/includes/footer-content.vm

Package Dependencies

The package dependencies change between confluence versions. You should check if there are differences. For example look at the difference between 3.1 and 3.2,


As of Confluence 3.5, X11 dependencies are now no longer needed.


  • libice-dev - nolonger used
  • libsm-dev - nolonger used
  • libx11-dev - used
  • libxext-dev - nolonger used
  • libxp-dev - nolonger used
  • libxt-dev - nolonger used
  • libxtst-dev - used


  • libx11-6 - new
  • libx11-dev - carry over
  • libxt6 - new
  • libxt6-dbg - new
  • libxext6 -new
  • libxtst-dev - carry over
  • libxtst6 - new
  • xlibs-dbg - new
  • xlibs-dev - new


Also, keep a page listing any plugins plug-ins you install. Upgrades generally do not require you to reinstall the plugins but they might be deprecated. After the upgrade is done, login as Administrator on Confluence and ensure plug-ins are up to date.
