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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Create new folder
  • New in hoekey 1.1.5, be able to pass selected file to a program like notepad.
  • Consider changing some keyboard triggers

There is a bug when running on Windows 7 in that Windows 7 does not pass the current path properly with %c. I donated and wrote to the author who was nice enough to provide a working fix.


With Windows 7 64-bit Telnet and certain files are not visible when jumping to the command line using Hoekey. A temporary fix for this is included in the comments. The Hoekey author is aware of this bug but also perplexed about why this happens.

Here are the keyboard shortcuts. The semicolons work in Hoekey as comments.

No Format
;  Simple Example HoeKey config
; Key Modifiers:
; ~=windows, _=shift, ^=ctrl, @=alt
; More details at

; Tin's hoekey.ini for Windows 7 64-bit
; See to understand environment variables

; Start in system tray
Start=TrayIcon|1|Double-click to configure your Windows Key

=Rem|-- General --

~Q=Config ;win+Q: Configure HoeKey

~^O=Run|"%SystemDrive%\Tin\connectivity\2keys mail and ciphershare.tlp"                                                          ;win+ctrl+o: Bitvise Tunneling for Outlook and Ciphershare
~O=Run|"%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office\Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.lnk"      ;win+o: Outlook

~I=Run|"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer (64-bit).lnk"   ;win+i: IE 64-bit
~^I=Run|"%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Mozilla Firefox\Mozilla Firefox.lnk" ;win+ctrl+i: Firefox
~@I=Run|"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer.lnk"           ;win+alt+i: IE 32-bit
~_I=Run|"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Google Chrome\Google Chrome.lnk" ;win+shift+i: Chrome

; There is currently a bug where telnet.exe and some other commands will not work.
; This appears to be due to permissions. "dir telnet.exe /s" using Hoekey can not see.
; c:\Windows\System32\telnet.exe
; Strangely C:\Windows\System32\ping.exe works and appears to have the exact same permissions.
; Temporary solution, as a regular user copy telnet.exe to C:\Windows\ which is already in the system path.
~J=Run|%COMSPEC%|||C:\    ;win+j: Command shell
~^J=Run|%COMSPEC%|||%c    ;win+ctrl+j: Command shell in current directory

=Rem|-- Communication --

~K=Run|%SystemDrive%\apps\KiTTY\kitty.exe                            ;win+k: Kitty Putty
~^K=Run|"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\ExpanDrive\ExpanDrive.exe"  ;win+ctrl+k: ExpandDrive SSH Drive Mapping

; For working directory to work properly you must startup using a shortcut.
~[=Run|"%SystemDrive%\apps\Putty Connection Manager\puttycm.shortcut.lnk" ;win+c: Putty Connection Manager

=Rem|-- Utilities --

; For some reason Araxis will not launch through Hoekey via the .lnk
~A=Run|"%ProgramW6432%\Araxis\Araxis Merge\Merge.exe" ;win+a: Araxis Merge
~^A=RUN|"%ProgramW6432%\Araxis\Araxis Merge\Merge.exe" %c %c ;win+ctrl+a: Araxis Merge Folder Comparison first argument is current folder

~N=Run|%SystemDrive%\apps\npp.5.7.bin\unicode\notepad++.exe|||%USERPROFILE%\Desktop    ;win+n: Notepad Plus Plus, default saves to desktop
~^N=Run|%SystemDrive%\apps\npp.5.7.bin\unicode\notepad++.exe %s|||                     ;ctrl+win+n: Load selected file into Notepad Plus Plus

~Z=Run|%SystemDrive%\apps\metapad351\metapad.exe|||%USERPROFILE%\Desktop  ;win+z: Metapad, start in desltop
~^Z=Run|notepad.exe|||%USERPROFILE%\Desktop                               ;win+ctrl+z: Notepad

; Does not work as I expect and logs me out
;~V=Keys|%p  ;win+v current clipboard as plaintext
;~^v=Keys|%P ;win+ctrl+v current clipboard as plaintext, removing returns and newlines

; Edit host file with admin rights
; This requires the elevate scripts
;~^H=Run|C:\apps\elevate.from.command.line\elevate.cmd C:\apps\metapad351\metapad.exe C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts ;win+ctrl+h: edit hosts file using elevate utility
; Though the above works, I find it's the elevate prompt annoying so instead, I just changed hosts file permission.
~^H=Run|C:\apps\metapad351\metapad.exe C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts ;win+ctrl+h: edit hosts file

=Rem|-- Folders --


=Rem|-- Windows Manipulation --

~^left=MoveRel||-10 ;win+ctrl+left: move current window left 10pixels
~^up=MoveRel|||-10  ;win+ctrl+up: move current window up 10pixels
~^right=MoveRel||10 ;win+ctrl+right: move current window right 10pixels
~^down=MoveRel|||10 ;win+ctrl+down: move current window down 10pixels

~end=Hide||1 ;win+end: hide current window to system tray
~^end=Unhide ;win+ctrl+end: show last hidden window from system try

~H=Transparency||30% ;win+h: Make current window transparent
~F9=AlwaysOnTop      ;win+f9: Pin current window to always show

; Future Keys to overried
; Back 8
; PRINt 42
