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Shared - Public Share Folder

Code Block
cd /home/
sudo mkdir shared # Browseable folder to drop content to share with others
sudo mkdir shared.private # Browser password protected folder to drop content to share with others via .htaccess
sudo mkdir keys # Place to store keys for protected folder

cd /home

sudo chown -R serveradmin:wgkryptonian ./

sudo chmod -R 775 # Only svradm and users in the kryptonian group can manage. Apache(other's) still need to be able to read and browse.

Add to the website host file,

Code Block
    Alias /shared/ "/home/"
    Alias /shared "/home/"
    <Directory /home/>
        /# Make this folder browseable
        Options +Indexes

The final host file will look like this,

Code Block
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost


    DocumentRoot /home/

    # This restrictive a precedence for ALL directory blocks.
    <Directory />
        Options FollowSymLinks
        # This prevents use of .htaccess
        AllowOverride None

    # Main location of static content for the websites.
    <Directory /home/>
        Options +MultiViews
        Order Allow,Deny
        Allow from all

    Alias /shared/ "/home/"
    Alias /shared "/home/"
    <Directory /home/>
        # Make this folder browseable
        Options +Indexes

    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/

    # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg.
    LogLevel warn

    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined

Reload the Apache configuration file,

Code Block
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload


kalel logs in as himself he would do the following one time setup,

Code Block
cd /home/
mkdir kalel
chmod 750 kalel

cd /home/
mkdir keys
cd keys

# Create the initial password file with the first user being kalel
htpasswd -c ./ kalel
New password:
Re-type new password:

# Create addition accounts. Notice NO "-c"
htpasswd .htpasswd cclark


To make his folder more private, kalel makes a request to serveradmin (who has sudo privileges) to make the following changes,

Code Block
# assuming the user is serveradmin or any other account with sudo privileges
sudo chmod -R 750 /home/
sudo chown -R kalel:www-data /home/


Update the virtual host as follows,

Code Block
    Alias /shared/ "/home/"
    Alias /shared "/home/"
    <Directory /home/>
        # Make this folder browseable
        Options +Indexes

    Alias /shared.private/ "/home/"
    Alias /shared.private "/home/"
    <Directory /home/>

        # Allow website admin to use .htaccess -,
        #     AuthConfig - Authentication
        #     Indexes - Makes directory browseable
        # As soon as I introduce Indexes it breaks with error, ".htaccess: Options not allowed here".
        #AllowOverride AuthConfig Indexes

        # This works but allowing all is a security risk
        # AllowOverride All

        # Start TEMP solution

        # Allow the .htaccess file to allow authentication.
        AllowOverride AuthConfig

        # For some reason allowing override of indexes does not work in .htaccess so set it manually here.
        Options +Indexes

        # End TEMP solution


    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/
