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Usually this is done on the client machine however, most windows systems do not have open ssh.. With a Unix based system this can be accomplished with the command line as follows. Windows does not have a native way of doing this, but most ssh client programs will provide a gui means of key generation.

It actually does not matter what kind of system the keys are generate on. The keys from one type of system can easily be moved to another.

Unix Based System

ssh-keygen without parameters generates a 2048 RSA key,


On a Unix system file permissions should automatically be set to protect your key files from other accounts



Instructions for Windows to be put here.

If you are on a Windows machine, make sure to store your private key on a protected location. Usually this would be your Windows desktop or home directory.


It accomplishes in one command,...


To provide details here.

Copy Over Key

Since I happen to be using Mac OS X I do this manually,


Setup .ssh Directory

Log into the server using your existing authentication method,


Code Block
mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

The key no pun intended part of this procedure is to have your public key Add the ublic key added to the authorized_keys file,
