Page tree

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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon

Quick Summary

The key to understanding how data is transmitted on to the internet and how text files populate information onto the web we first have to start with understanding the basics.


  1. The user (being you) makes a request through your computer to find a particular site (ie.


      2. From your computer the request object is sent directly to the webserver.


Webserver: is a program that served the files that form web pages to the users, in response to their request, which is then forwarded by their computers. 


  1. This request contains important information for the webserver to interpret and send back the correct response object
  2. The request object contains:
    1. Source ip
    2. Page request (hostname)
    3. Path
    4. Browser version
    5. Os server
    6. Key value pair
    7. Port
    8. Protocol (ex. http or https)
  3. Once the information is received the webserver sends back a response object which contains:
    1. Webserver IP
    2. Page Url
    3. Cookies
  4. This information is retrieved and populated on your screen

At the most basic level possible, the following diagram shows the steps that brought that page to your screen.


Introduction- Resolving DNS Process

1)     When using the internet most people connect to websites or other internet servers by connecting to a domain name, as in “”. Internet applications, though, do not communicate via domain names, but rather uses IP address such as


Example of this is:

how to find an IP address on my computer

how to find an IP address on from command prompt



  • control panel
  • network and sharing
  • click local area connection
  • details
  • IPv4


  • Press the Windows Start key to open the Start screen.
  • Type cmd and press Enter to launch the command prompt. ...
  • Type ipconfig /all at the command prompt to check the network card settings.
  • Scroll up till you see (see picture)


When you enter a URL into your Web browser, the user’s local host file is first checked to resolve the DNS to an IP address. If this does not happen, it then moves to the second checkpoint.


View file
nameResolving DNS_v0.3.pdf

HTML Basics


The Web is basically a system of formatted documents in a language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that supports links to other documents, links, as well as graphics, audio, and video files

HTML .(HyperText Markup Language)2

The interesting thing about HTML it is a system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphics and hyperlinks on web pages.

For instance

<h1> Cassandra Edwards HTML </h1>

You will write the HTML document on Notepad. When you are finished creating the HTML document, you’ll then open the document in a browser. The browser then takes that information interprets the HTML for you and displays it to the web page.

Now what you use to set certain sections apart as heading, subtitles, bold text, underlined text etc is a series of what is called ‘tags’

Think of tagging like a structure of an essay.

You will have a heading for instance.



<h1> Cassandra Edwards <h1/>

<p> Scotiabank has a requirements that all employees and contractors complete mandatory learning, on an annual basis, covering new and updated critical information regarding compliance, security and risk </p>

We also learned to attach a link




<h1> Cassandra Edwards </h1>





<p> April <i> 24 </i> 2017 </p>




We also learned to attach a pic