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Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. Eclipse has no install. It is simply a matter of uncompressing.

Uncompress to c:\apps\


More detail to go here.

Editing UTF-8 Files

This article shows how to do it with a file. I am a bit suscpisous if this covers everything though... will check out soon.

All our property files must be UTF-8 with no BOM (Byte Order Marking). For Eclipse to properly edit the UTF-8 property files,

  • Window, Preferences
  • General, Content Types, Text,
    • Java Properties File
      • Change Default encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8
      • Click Update
    • JSP
      • Change Default encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8
      • Click Update
  • General, Workspace *
    • Text file encoding, Other
    • Change Cp1252(this may differ depending on your OS)  to UTF-8
    • Click Apply

      On a Linux environment the Text file encoding will already default to UTF-8 so you can skip this step.

Creation of Web Files in UTF-8

This changes what format and automatic encoding tags used when you use Eclipse wizards to create web file.

  • Window, Preferences, Web
  • Encoding, change the following to ISO 10646/Unicode(UTF-8),
    • CSS Files
    • HTML Files
    • JSP Files

At this point there are two methods of setting up the Project, manual or automatic.