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Table of Contents


Architecture Components

Component Front-End to BackPurposeSummaryNotesKey Reading Matrial
AkamaiCDN (Content Distribution Network)

Apache with Adobe Dispatcher ModuleWeb Server, Caching and Load BalancingCaches into static content pages generated by CMS to improve performance.

AEM Instance for PublisherCMS Publisher

Serves the published content to the public.

Uses Apache Sling for Web framework to expose the repository RESTfully.

Bundles CRXDE Lite web interface to manage the repository at http://<host>:<port>/crx/de/index.jsp

Powered by Apache Felix implementation of OSGi.

Content RepositoryCMS Publisher Database Cache

NoSQL File based data storage for content-centric applications, implementing Content Repository API for Java Technology (JCR 2.0).

Uses Apache Jackrabbit Oak as manager (searching, versioning, transactions, etc.) of repository.

Default storage format is tar files TARMK (Tar Micro Kernel) which also offers Cold Standby to sync repositories.

Rinku will specify default path here.
Solr powered by LuceneSearch Engine

AEM Instance for AuthorCMS AuthorCreate, upload and edit content and to administer the website.

CMS Author Database

Microsoft ADCentralized Authentication Directory
Optional and should failback to local authentication repository if AD fails.


AEM 6.x with Apache Sling uses TarMK with Apache Jackrabbit Oak. Key aspect of speed is the combination deserializes the repository into memory. It is not caching the repository in memory. The repository exists in memory and uses the tar files to serialize adn and persist the data. It will deserialize the entire repository into memory if enough memory available. So give AEM lots of memory.

Though AEM and Apache Sling runs in a JVM, the memory they use for repository is not the JVM heap, but the "off-heap" memory. You may limit it via Java parameter -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize. One consideration to gain memory is to set the Pool Size parameter of Apache Sling Job Thread Pool to 1. This iwll will limit the memory used by jobs at the cost of speed of job completion when jobs are queued.

JCR implements a tree of nodes with asscotiated associated properties with all sorts or pointers (think object oriented database). Persistence manager by default is Tar, transaction aware, file system agnostic and uses Lucene to support SQL queries.


Since most Enterprise use a CDN, usse uses TARMK. From Adobe's microkernal recommendations,


Enable license by entering at startup or in file (preferred to automoationautomation).

By default the package starts up running both the author and publish components as one service. Enterprise configurations will want to segregate and this occurs with a file rename,


Code Block
CQ_JVM_OPTS # may modify in serverctl or start script


Author Server

Rename file,


AEM Good Bad and Ugly - Pretty good technoloogy technology feature with descriptoin description dump.