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There appears to be a problem with shutting down the Confluence server. According to Atlassian, this only happens on certain configuration and they are not able to determine yet why. I have personally experienced with every type of Virtualized Ubuntu system I have setup over the past few years.

Here are the steps to ensure Confluence actually shuts Start by trying to perform a normal shutdown,

Code Block
su - svradm

Next ensure that Confluence actually shut down,

Code Block
ps -ef | grep java | grep confluence

Which results in output showing The resulting output shows all your java processes. Look for you Confluence java process which looks something similar to below,

Code Block
svradm    2364     1  0 01:00 ?        00:02:37 /opt

Which usually shows it is still running so then I doIf it does not exist then the shutdown occurred properly. However, if it still exists try running ps again in a few minutes. If it still exists after that you need to kill the process,

Code Block
kill 2364 # Note change 2364, to the process ID that you see on your screen.
